Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Politico Chief Political Corresp. says media ignored everything Obama has said until now. They took paycheck for what?

They judged him only on what they perceived to be his style.

4/3/11, "Politico's Roger Simon: 'Obama's The Greatest Orator Of Modern Times'," Newsbusters. Noel Sheppard

Newsbusters: On CNN, "Politico's Roger Simon said Sunday Barack Obama is the greatest orator of modern times.

Chatting with Howard Kurtz on CNN's "Reliable Sources," Simon also said journalists are just now looking beyond the President's speaking skills and analyzing


  • "The bloom isn't entirely off the rose between Obama and the press, but reporters are starting to concentrate more than ever on what he says rather than how he says it. We will stipulate that he's the greatest orator of modern times, but now we're looking beyond that in every speech for what he's actually telling us."...


(Do 'great orators' speak almost exclusively from a teleprompter? And if a president, do they go around the world talking down America? ed.)


(continuing, Newsbusters): ""We will stipulate that he's the greatest orator of modern times..."

  • Really? Better than Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt?

"...but now we're looking beyond that in every speech for what he's actually telling us."

"We're" just starting to do that now? Shouldn't that have begun in February 2007

Obama's been president for 26 months in the midst of what many claim was the worst recession since the depression and journalists are just now getting beyond his oratory to actually analyze

Of course this isn't at all surprising for if they had done that 48 months ago, Obama would never have become the Democrat nominee


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