Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lloyd Marcus' heart is heavy when he sees what happens to kids today

Many parents are doing nothing to stop the fact that schools fill their childrens' minds with hate.

4/2/11, "The Left is Goin' After Our Kids," American Thinker, Lloyd Marcus

"A dear friend's son is a 23 year old America-hating Marxist. Sadly, this young white male believes American white males are the SOBs of the world. His mom still remembers the day he can home from middle school devastated and in tears. He was taught to feel guilty for the cruel abuse his ancestors and America's founding fathers perpetrated upon native Americans and blacks.
  • Folks, the Left is going after our children.
Kristen Campbell is a tremendously brave high school student. I love this kid's backbone. Kristen wrote a piece published in her school newspaper disagreeing with Michelle Obama. Kristen was called a racist. Her car was vandalized. The wrath of loyal Queen Obama supplicants, black students, parents and local church groups, came down hard on this child. Kristen was verbally and physically attacked. Folks, I'm talkin' serious. Kristen was even threatened with a knife. Still, Kristen remains bold and outspoken in her defense of conservatism.

Isn't college supposed to be about the free flow of ideas? Leftist faculty at
Rollins College are out to get a student, Jamie Pizzi, for daring to write an opinion piece on anchor babies. These so-called ambassadors of tolerance are only for free speech when you are spouting liberalism. Conservative speech is swiftly met with severe punishment
They're goin' after our kids, folks!

Remember, the elementary school where kids were forced to sing the almost godlike praises to Obama? "Barack Husein Obama, Mmm-Mmm-Mmm!" I watched a video with young black males dressed in military attire performing like a military drill team. They were saying "Because of Obama I'm inspired to be an architect, engineer and etc." On the surface, this message might appear positive. I say, what a huge slap in the face to our great nation. Sadly, the Semocrats' years of teaching blacks they are victims of racist America have been extremely effective. So, blacks were not free to achieve until Obama? Totally absurd. The video further indoctrinates the black youths by having them espouse the virtues of Obamacare. All lies!
  • They're goin' after our kids, folks!
We must stop them. Step one is ending King Obama's reign of terror with your vote November 2012.
  • "Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama 2012". Please join us!
Please sign and encourage your friends to sign this petition at"


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