Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Firefighters union to devote federal dollars to fight Alabama taxpayers who simply wish union members to pay dues on their own

Firefighters union diverting federal political campaign dollars to fight taxpayers of the state of Alabama who merely want union members to pay dues themselves rather than having them automatically deducted from paychecks.

4/26/11, "Firefighters' union money goes local," Politico, Jeanne Cummings

"“It’s time to send a clear message to all politicians at every level that the support of this IAFF is not automatic. It must be earned,” he (Firefighters union President Schaitberger) said in the memo to members.

“Our support comes with consequences for those who are working to kill this union and we will

  • hold accountable those supposed friends who don’t stand up for us,” he added.

According to Schaitberger, the money that would have been donated to federal candidates will now be used to underwrite the recall and referendum efforts and a legal fight against

which has become a model for a similar bill in Florida. “We’ll spend as much on the Ohio referendum


4/11/2011, "Alabama firefighters' union will sue over payroll deduction legislation,"


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