Tuesday, April 26, 2011

EU fat cats fear Tea Party spirit across Europe, see bailouts at risk

4/25/11, "Rise of Populist Parties Pushes Europe to the Right," "Brussels fear of the True Finns," Der Spiegel

"The success of the True Finns in last week's Finnish elections has shocked Brussels. They are just one of a number of right-wing populist parties currently flourishing in Europe.
  • Their rise could threaten the euro bailout....
The successes of right-wing populists could indeed exacerbate the smoldering euro crisis. Tensions between the wealthy countries in the north, who are contributing most to the bailouts, and the ailing debtor nations in the periphery already threaten to destroy the monetary union. If a European version of the American Tea Party movement develops, it could very well become the
  • kiss of death for the euro....
As a wave of skepticism about Europe sweeps across the continent, the political elites in the continent's capitals are reacting precipitously and inconsistently. To neutralize the populist movements and score political points at home, European leaders are seeking conflict with one another, arguing about such issues as accepting North African refugees or participation in the Libya mission. Markus Ferber, a member of the European Parliament for Germany's conservative Christian Social Union (CSU), warns that solidarity among European countries is waning,

(It's only dangerous for EU fat cats. ed.)

via Drudge Report

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