Saturday, April 2, 2011

'Establishment Republicans will fight more viciously to stop conservatives than to stop Obama and the left.' Rush Limbaugh, 11/4/10

"The Ruling Class of the Republican Party doesn't want conservatives having any kind of a foothold, any success, or any leadership in the party...It appears to me they're perfectly happy being in the minority if it means not supporting conservatives....Apparently the establishment Republicans will fight harder and more viciously to stop conservatives than to stop Obama and the left. "...11/4/10, Rush Limbaugh

GOP 'leadership' forgets this budget is not theirs. By law it was to be decided last October when it could have passed easily. The left held it up because they knew they could use it to poke the clubhouse GOP and have media run screeds about the 'angry' Tea Party, etc. GOP 'leadership' did not want the house majority they now have and are devoted to shutting up the new people.
4/1/11, "GOP Leadership to Freshman: We’ll Stop Paying You if You Shut Down the Government," BigGovernment, by Mike Flynn

"The Kabuki theater that is the debate over the federal budget took a weird turn this afternoon. The GOP-led House of Representatives passed HR 1255, the “Government Shutdown Prevention Act.” The measure is largely symbolic…it states that if the Democrat-led Senate and President Obama don’t act on $61 billion in cuts passed earlier this year by the House, those cuts would be ‘law of the land.’ Which, obviously, doesn’t hold any water. This isn’t too far away from when Democrats proposed “deeming” ObamaCare passed.

The House GOP Leadership, however, did add something to their legislation that should give pause to all conservatives. They grafted onto their bill a Democrat proposal to suspend pay for members of Congress if there is a government shutdown. So, if members believe that the budget cuts “negotiated” by GOP Leadership are too small or think we should finally face up to the inevitable tough choices,

  • they potentially could lose their pay.

I think Rep. McCotter summed it up best (video below). This is entirely, 100% wrong. GOP Leadership has sent a clear message to its members: go along with really small, incremental cuts on the margin, or we won’t pay you. Don’t even think about forcing a debate over the fundamental budget challenges we face…which would lead to a government shutdown…or

Skirmishes are all well and good…but eventually you have to engage in actual battle. GOP Leadership has sent a clear message: “We prefer not to.”


Reference: 4/1/11, "Shutdown? Why are we still discussing the 2011 budget?" American Thinker, Greg Richards


11/20/10, "Revolutionary Do-Over," Wall St. Journal, John Fund

Former GOP Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, now a big-time Washington lobbyist, has already told the Washington Post that

  • it's imperative for his tribe to "co-opt" the tea partiers arriving in D.C."...

11/4/10, "Ruling Class GOP declare war on country class conservatives, " Rush Limbaugh transcript.

Rush explains what we see, the Ruling Class GOP will fight more viciously to defeat conservatives than they will to defeat Democrats.



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