Sunday, April 3, 2011

California CARB boss knew "scientist" diploma and data were fake but didn't tell CARB board before key vote using fake data. All still on payroll

The Chair of CARB in California's environmental crime family endorsed use of fake "science" from a fake "scientist" (Hien Tran, see post below) to enact laws to further wreck California. Paid for by the taxpayers. Mary Nichols knows nothing will happen to her or the fake "scientist"-no one ever gets fired from government.

"Overestimate fueled state's landmark diesel law," San Francisco Chronicle, Wyatt Buchanan

Diesel vote took place in December 2008 based on data the head of CARB knew was not real. Based on known fake data, they still issued known fake results claiming diesel was causing mass murder. Mary Nichols said she told 'some' CARB board members but not all.


12/1/10, "How corrupt is government?" CA Political News

"The foremost exhibit against CARB is Dr. Hien Tran, a CARB scientist who wrote a key study the agency used to force recession-wracked operators of diesel off-road construction equipment to buy new, less polluting graders and trucks, at a cost of up to $12 billion. CARB identified Tran as a UC Davis-educated Ph.D. in statistics, a claim that gave his report some credence. But that was a false statement – Tran’s Ph.D. is from Thornhill University, which the Pacific Research Institute, the parent organization of Calwatchdog, points out is located “in a New York City office of the United States Postal Service.”Government is forcing businesses to spend $12 billion based on fraud."...


In the climate crime family, anyone who tells the truth--in this case a genuinely credentialed UCLA professor--will be attacked, defamed, and his economic livelihood threatened and probably destroyed:

4/1/11, "Politically incorrect prof. may lose his job," Donna Laframboise

"(Professor) Enstrom, on the other hand, was told last year that he was out of a job(he has been fighting for it ever since)....April 4th, a hearing begins that will decide his fate.... One of his unpardonable sins was to point out that the law says scientists on a CARB advisory panel are supposed to be limited to three-year terms. Yet according to this (lawsuit) press release the majority have served for more than a decade. ...UCLA professor John Froines served for 26 years and only lost his position after Enstrom began challenging CARB....

Epidemiologist James Enstrom has worked at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) for 34 years. In 2005, he published a study that found no relationship between fine particulate air pollution and premature death.

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is in charge of air quality in that state. In an astonishing turn of events it chose to ignore Enstrom’s published-in-the-peer-reviewed-literature findings. Instead, CARB had its employees prepare an internal document that reached the opposite conclusion."....

Ms. Laframboise notes the fake "scientist" whose fake data was used to criminally punish Americans was not fired.

This video speaks to a diesel owner and to Professor Enstrom.

via American Thinker

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