Friday, April 29, 2011

Black Chamber of Commerce CEO Harry Alford regrets voting for Obama, Obama told him, 'I'm going to destroy you'


Harry Alford is CEO of Black Chamber of Commerce, appeared on Laura Ingraham's radio show Friday, April 29, voted for Obama in 2008 but says he regrets it and is alarmed by Obama's actions.

2:07, Obama is against Alford's group and formed a Black Chamber of Commerce within the White House to compete with him. Alford says he is now suing Obama's group over name infringement.

3:17, Obama said to Alford, "I'm going to destroy you." Alford said it's not happening, I'm going to war against him.

4:45, My wife tells me not to say this, but to me Obama sounds Marxist.

4:59, "I voted for him because he was black." It's a mistake I'll live with for the rest of my life.

5:30, Obama said in San Francisco that he wants gas to go to $5 or $6 dollars a gallon. He's smiling about it.

6:00, "I love this country. He's dangerous." He's wrecking this country.

7:05, "His Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan ruined the Chicago School system," so now Obama hires him.

(Laura Ingraham comments, that's interesting because "Jeb Bush thinks very highly of Arne Duncan." )

8:41, "Obama will get only 30-35% of black vote next time." (Ingraham expresses surprise).

9:03, "Obama's mortgage modification program only has a 7% success rate."

9:15 (or shortly after), Alford says he's an Independent, not a democrat, and voted for George Bush twice. He is also on the board of the US Chamber of Commerce.

12:59, "Al Sharpton is Obama's puppet. Obama gave Sharpton's group $1 million to fight off Jesse Jackson."

14:34, "This (Obama) group is fanatical. They might as well put on brown shirts.
  • I'm fearful for my nation."

via Breitbart TV

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