Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Batchelor, Avlon, and Republican Rep. Mike Rogers should be aware they made a horror movie about the 'conformo-radicalism' they pitched tonight

Scene below from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," 1956 movie, wherein everyone is forced to
be alike because it's just nicer that way. The lead characters run for their lives to get away from 'conformo-radicals,' played in real life by 'non-partisan' characters on the John Batchelor show.


2/13/10, "The New Conformo-radicalism," Mark Steyn, NRO

Thinking the way
  • everyone else thinks has never felt so cool....The good news is, as in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, there are still a few hold-outs....
But it’s awfully late in the day. The end is near, we face the final curtain, and it’s an open question whether the spirit...can triumph over the soporific, sophomoric,
Groupthink compliance has never felt so right!"


Congressman Rogers went on about "our allies" the Arab countries, comparing them to our allies in World War II. I have seen no reports that agree with his viewpoint of our "war with Libya," over which he says he is solidly behind Obama, and that all Americans should be too. As of April 4, I'm not aware that Obama even sees it the way Rep. Rogers thinks he sees it at this moment.

About the "rebels" Rogers wants to help:

4/4/11, "Koran-inspired Libyan rebels 'as likely to attack the CIA as Qaddafi.'" American Thinker, Andrew Bostom

Former CIA operative Robert Baer had extensive hands-on experience in Libya during his career. Here is Baer's assessment of the Libyan "freedom fighters" from a recent CNN interview, which features his acknowledgments of the Koranic incitement to jihad, and the fact that the "rebels" jihad is equally likely to be waged on the US/CIA, as Qaddafi!
  • These guys are hard to control, especially the Muslim Brothers. They are fighting according to the Koran. You don't give them orders and they don't follow them.
Asked about US understanding of the "rebel" movement, Baer responded,

(I heard Rep. Rogers say he had been to Libya and had seen weapons. That's fine but changes none of the foregoing. ed.)


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