Wednesday, April 20, 2011

'All we did was ask the mainstream media to correct their bias problem.' They wouldn't do it. Andrew Breitbart

4/19/11, Rush Limbaugh on Andrew Breitbart and his new book, "Righteous Indignation," from Rush Limbaugh show transcript

"Andrew Breitbart was on with Hannity last night, got a new book out, Righteous Indignation, and Hannity said, "Look at it, NBC, CBS, ABC, they're contemplating
  • whether they want to keep their nightly newscasts now."
BREITBART: Well, here's what happened. Twenty years Rush Limbaugh comes in the game. He acts as a checks and balance. Drudge comes in 15 years ago, and then the blogosphere explodes and all we did was ask of the mainstream media was to correct their bias problem. When they wouldn't correct themselves, citizens in the form of the Tea Party, people with video cameras going everywhere said, "If you're not gonna correct yourself, we're gonna create a media in the wake of your incompetency, and that's what's happening. It's the most exciting time in media and unfortunately the
  • mainstream media is so upset about it,
RUSH: Andrew Breitbart. Now, Andrew, his book is out now called Righteous Indignation, and I don't know if you know this about Andrew, but he started out as, folks, this guy was full bore commie babe leftist. Andrew Breitbart used to be an accredited member of the Hollywood left.The same Andrew Breitbart, used to be an accredited member of the Hollywood left. And now he has told me -- and I, of course, believe him 'cause what other reason could there be? -- he has told me that it was listening to me in LA, we got on the air there in 1989, KFI, listening to this show, was the first time he had heard in a consistent, understandable way other than what he had always been told growing up. Now, he asked me to do a forward or a blurb for his book, which I did. But, yeah, he was as far left, and people don't believe this but that's part of what he writes about in his book. I mean he was a big lefty until he heard the EIB Network.

His book is called Righteous Indignation, pretty interesting cover."...


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