Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wisconsin April 5 election is David vs Goliath, judicial election being hijacked by millionaire politicians against Judge David Prosser

Increasingly uncivil behavior of the left ensues because Obama supports it. He is on record that wielding a deadly weapon at a polling place is just fine. He publicly scolded and slandered American governors-who don't work for him--and praised taxpayer funded public sector employees and their unions. The unions turn around and donate hundreds of millions of union dues/taxpayer money to Democrats. Private sector American taxpayers are out of money so this will end sooner or later.

3/30/11, "April 5th: As Crucial and Close Election Looms in Wisconsin, Unions Double Down Intimidating Local Businesses," BigGovernment, by John Nolte

We are less than a week away from Tuesday’s crucial winner-take-all April 5 State Supreme Court election in Wisconsin, an election that will likely set the legislative course of that state for a generation. The stakes are for all the marbles and boil down to a simple choice. Either sitting State Supreme Court Justice David Prosser will be re-elected and the voters, though their elected officials, will be allowed to govern,
  • or
Big National Labor, Big Spoiled Public Employees, and the White House Re-election Machine will prevail in electing Joanne Kloppenburg — a hardcore Leftist with zero judicial experience. The result of that catastrophic possibility is almost assuredly an end-run around democracy as four Robed Masters take over the running of the state through judicial fiat. Prosser is presently the tie-breaking 4-to-3 vote in favor of judicial restraint on the court. Should Kloppenburg prevail, however, it’s no secret the court will legislate from the bench and
  • strike down all reforms passed by Gov. Scott Walker and the state legislature.
Big Labor most certainly understands the stakes on April 5 and undoubtedly did from the beginning. Pro-union supporters have launched an unprecedented campaign of violence and intimidation in the state all with an eye on the prize of stopping Walker with a firewall built around the State Supreme Court and an ongoing recall petition drive. In addition, just when you think the thuggery — which has been all but ignored by local and national media — can’t get any worse, we learn that a union campaign of outright extortion only the mafia could be proud of has just been launched against Wisconsin small business owners:

Members of Wisconsin State Employees Union, AFSCME Council 24, have begun circulating letters to businesses in southeast Wisconsin, asking them to support workers’ rights by putting up a sign in their windows.

If businesses fail to comply, the letter says, “Failure to do so will leave us no choice but (to) do a public boycott of your business. And sorry, neutral means ‘no’ to those who work for the largest employer in the area and are union members.”

Jim Parrett, a field representative of Council 24 for Southeast Wisconsin, confirmed the contents of the letter, which carries his signature. But he added that the union was also circulating letters to businesses thanking them for supporting workers’ rights.

Parrett said that since the letters were sent out, he has received threatening phone calls as well as calls from people supporting the state workers.

  • “I’ve gotten a lot of threatening phone calls,” Parrett said.

Parrett said he believed the letter campaign was going on in other parts of the state. His region includes Racine and Kenosha counties, as well as parts of Waukesha and Walworth counties.

  • “It’s going on in other parts of the state,” he said Wednesday.

Parrett referred questions to Marty Beil, the head of the Wisconsin State Employees Union. Beil was not immediately available for comment.

In the letter from Parrett to some businesses, he says that, “It is unfortunate that you have chosen ‘not’ to support public workers rights in Wisconsin. In recent past weeks you have been offered a sign by a public employee who works in one of the state facilities in the Union Grove area. These signs simply said, ‘This Business Supports Workers Rights,’ a simple, subtle and we feel non-controversial statement gives the facts at this time.”

Translation: “I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse.” In other words, if you don’t put a sign in your window proving you side with us we will “publicly” boycott your business. Obviously, that could mean anything up to and including picketers driving away customers until you’re bankrupt. And you have to love the union official’s tactic of complaining about “threatening phone calls.” A real reporter would’ve asked for a police report and if there was none, asked why.

This is extortion, pure and simple, well beyond the normal boycott, against

  • businesses already ravaged by this recession.

A business that hangs a partisan sign in their window choosing sides on a hotly debated political issue is certain to alienate customers one way or another. These union thugs are intentionally putting what are mostly small, personally owned businesses in a no-win situation. This is all part of the coordinated psy-ops campaign launched the day the 14 Wisconsin Democrats fled the state. The idea is to make as many people in the state as miserable as possible in the hopes they put pressure on Walker

  • to make it go away.

    It might sound contradictory for me to claim the media is ignoring this ongoing bullying campaign and then link to a Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel story covering it. But reporting on the dribs and drabs as opposed to a comprehensive front-page analysis of the overall campaign (which you can be sure the Tea Party would receive) is a way to cover the story without really covering it. What are you going to do, though, when George Stanley, the managing editor of the state’s largest newspaper, looks at the ongoing death threats, vandalism and intimidation tactics as nothing more than Walker supporters

  • reaping what they sow?

Okay, so we know for a fact that the other side is engaged and energized. The question is, are we? Michael Barone is not too sure, and who’s going to argue with Michael Barone?

There is some good news, however. It appears as though a $3 million dollar television blitz smearing Justice Prosser with the worse kind of lies has completely backfired on Kloppenburg and a terrific ad is up and pushing back hard:

Also, as Charlie Sykes reports here, the WMC, a pro-business Wisconsin group, has met their fundraising goals to air more ads like the one below, that effectively do what the media won’t, and that’s vet Kloppenburg:

The goal of the pro-union supporters and their allies in the media is to make the April 5th election a referendum on Governor Walker and the only way to do that is to ignore Kloppenburg’s crazy-left positions and lack of any judicial experience. The White House and Big Labor have done an effective job in bringing down Walker’s poll numbers and if April 5 is about him, we will lose that race. However, Wisconsinites simply won’t put a soft-on-crime, out-of-control lefty candidate into any statewide office, so the more her record is exposed, the better chance we have of protecting democracy in Wisconsin.

  • Again, the media won’t do it so a privately-funded ad blitz is the only way.

From what I’ve read, internal polls show the race is close, and it shouldn’t be. Unfortunately, Big Labor has their rage on and if our side is just waking up now — just 6 days away — it isn’t a minute too soon.

In my Sunday piece, I went into great detail in order to explain why this race matters to all of us, not just my fellow cheese heads. So let me repeat my closing

  • plea for you to get involved:

If you live in Wisconsin or if you know anyone who does, make sure Tuesday April 5th is circled in red on the calendar. Vote. Vote. Vote.

In the meantime, you can volunteer.

And you don’t have to live in Wisconsin. Get engaged on Twitter. Get engaged on Facebook. Anyone, anywhere can be an activist today using social media.

Start here with Justice David Prosser’s campaign site and Facebook page.

What you can’t do is nothing."


6/14/08, "Obama: ‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun,’"
Above, 11/4/08, Philadelphia voter polling place, New Black Panthers
standing near front door, one brandishing a deadly weapon. US civil rights attorneys have demanded prosecution of this case for over two years, but Obama refuses to allow it. His attorney general, Holder, says the incident was nothing compared to what "his people" went through.

1/27/11, "New Black Panther Party case: The facts are in," Washington Post, Right Turn, by Jennifer Rubin


3/17/11, "20 days of left wing thuggery in Wisconsin: When will Obama, Democrats, and MSM call for civility?", John Nolte


Spring, 2010, "The Beholden State-How public sector unions broke California," City Journal, Steve Malanga


(I contributed to Club for Growth Wisconsin which is supporting Judge Prosser in the upcoming election. ed.)



  1. im a democrat and i think this blog is awesome. you are really helping our side by being another batshit-crazy republican. thanks.

  2. Greg, your comment reminded me that the left chooses emotion and name calling over discussion of facts. As far as republicans go, I have little use for them. I support the Tea Party.
