Friday, March 18, 2011

Why would Scott Walker take advice from Frank Luntz who sold himself to the radical left to help them fool rube Republicans?

I wish only the best for Scott Walker which is why I was sad to read he had taken advice from Frank Luntz, a clown and a phony who makes money selling out America.

3/16/11, "At height of WI union fight, Walker made time for Frank Luntz … Plus: WI GOPers back down," The Reid Report

"At least, we think it was the real Fox News pollster and message guru, and not a Koch-style prankster…

Rounding out this Milwaukee Journal Sentinel story about the complete fold Wisconsin Senate Republicans have done on the supposed “sanctions” and “contempt” against the 14 Democrats who left the state in an effort to stop Scott Walker’s union-busting bill (that bill is now the subject of a lawsuit seeking to stop its implementation, by the way)… was this interesting tidbit:

Also this week, Walker’s office released his calendar for the months of January and February.

The calendar showed he met with national political consultant and pollster Frank Luntz on Feb. 23. That was at the height of the conflict at the Capitol over Walker’s union bargaining measure and the morning after the governor took a call from a blogger posing as the conservative billionaire David Koch.

Walker spokesman Cullen Werwie confirmed the meeting took place but emphasized it was not held to discuss the fake Koch call.

Werwie said that Luntz paid his own way for the visit and that Luntz did not do polling for Walker. He said the Walker and Luntz discussed how to “help entice job creators into Wisconsin and encourage those here to create more jobs.”

Walker and Luntz had never talked before, Werwie said. He said Walker’s law giving local governments more flexibility with their employees has “sent shock waves through the country, which has gained the attention of prominent opinion leaders.”

Luntz Global says on its website that the firm fashions messages that resonate with voters and consumers.

Seems Luntzy’s skills are slipping a bit, because Walker’s poll numbers are in the toilet.In fact, they were already in the toilet on February 23rd, the same day that a bunch of pretty hideous poll numbers for Scott from the day before were hitting the blogs. And wouldn’t you know it, right around the time of their meeting, Luntzie’s employer completely flipped those poll numbers on the air, through the mouth of Brian Kilmeade.

At the time, PoliticsUSA blogger Sarah Jones ranked on Walker thusly:

OK, so I called this one. Earlier today when writing about Scottie the Walker claiming that the American people were on his side according to polls, I guessed that Fox must be up to their old tricks again. Turns out, Fox did indeed misreport the Today/Gallop poll and Scott Walker bought it. That makes this is the second time Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin got pranked today, if anyone is keeping track of the clownery. First by a fake Koch and now by a Fox.

I sure hope Frank brought snacks to that meeting, because then at least he can say he gave Walker something he could use."


My comment: So-called GOP consultant Frank Luntz gave advice to his global warming client, Environmental Defense on how to get Republicans to buy into global warming or at least its taxes. Global warming is only the greatest crime ever perpetrated on mankind, is bleeding this country to death and Luntz is selling it. He even told them most Republicans believe in global warming (catastrophic carbon endangerment). This is unlikely, but worse is Luntz' glibness about a thing that doesn't exist except to enrich organized crime and punish middle class Americans. Luntz said you can sell it if you use the right words. His presentation is also sponsored by News Corp., (Fox News) per its title page. From the summation page, Jan. 2010:

  • "it’s not what you say
  • it’s what people hear"
Reference: 1/21/10, "Frank Luntz On How To Pass A Climate Bill," The New Republic, Jesse Zwick

photo of Frank Luntz from The New Republic article holding "Words that Work"


  • (That Luntz is a GOP consultant anywhere shows why the GOP is what it is. ed.)
Reference: New Republic, "Frank Luntz on how to pass a climate bill," 1/21/10 by Jesse Zwick

2/1/10, EDF blog discusses Luntz involvement with them

10/6/10, "Hal Lewis: My Resignation From The American Physical Society," Hal Lewis, Emeritus Professor, GWPF, exposes academia's involvement in the most "sucessful pseudoscientific fraud" he has seen in his long life as a physicist.
3/15/11, "ATI Says 'Stop Calling It Carbon'," ATI press release


  • A post I wrote about Luntz and his selling non-existent global warming:

1/3/11, 'Frank Luntz 'GOP pollster' advised global warming group to use 'national security' angle to get rubes on board

With trillions at stake including organized crime, global warming guys are using the
Global warming group EDF hired "GOP pollster" Frank Luntz who advised them to use this
  • "national security" angle,
  • and don't mention 'carbon offsets':
1/31/10, "How to sell a climate change bill to Americans," True Slant, Eilene Zimmerman

"And regardless of how Americans feel about global warming—whether they think it’s causes by people, god or a natural phenomena, even whether or not they think it’s real—it seems Luntz has found that the only way to get them to respond to legislation that will address the problem is to cite that old standby:
A jittery nation we are, clearly, as national security “tops every other reason to support cap and trade”—according to Luntz’s report. It’s not about saving the world anymore. It’s about “freeing the U.S. from foreign oil—and opening the door to greater security and prosperity.” "...
  • Luntz is not correct. Far left ideologues have taken over what is known as the 'environmental' movement. Luntz starts with 2 basic flaws: conflating the carbon endangerment agenda with general concerns about the environment; and telling his client that we (presumably right of center people) really do want "climate regulation." This is totally false. ed.
(True Slant): "The EDF wants Congress to pass a bill to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and believes Americans really do want to see one pass. Two new polls prove it, one by the Benenson Strategy Group, which shows that 58 percent of Americans favor a cap on emissions. The other is by Luntz, and also shows Americans support climate regulation,
as well as cleaner air,” reporters for the American Public Media show Marketplace told us on Friday.Luntz’s report, “The Language of a Clean Energy Economy” says generally Americans do believe the environment is worsening—that the quality of our air, water and general environment is deteriorated over the last decade."...

  • (It is important to distinguish general care of the environment (which concerns most of us) from what the 'climate' industry is selling, which is very different. They're selling CO2 endangerment which they say causes sinking islands, too much snow, rain, heat, etc. The entire industry rests on the false premise that catastrophic man made global warming exists, and is largely caused by evil middle class Americans who must pay billions immediately and in perpetuity to equatorial dictators, hedge fund billionaires, and UN grifters. It is obviously easier to sell if you just let people think they are good for caring about the environment. ed.)

(continuing): "Turns out Americans want action on climate change but not for the reasons they have heard over the years—that it’s important because pollutants in the air are bad for us,

  • because a warming planet will cause rising seas,
  • drought,
  • hurricanes,
  • vanishing species, etc.

We believe it’s real but we’re only going to do something about it if you use words like “green jobs” or, better yet, “American jobs.” If you get rid of “sustainability” and instead say “cleaner, safer, healthier.”"...

  • (So Luntz told his client that we-Americans- do believe that because of the automobile and other inventions, we selfishly are responsible for sinking islands in the Indian Ocean, hurricanes, etc. That we agree we are guilty of climate crime, and that we owe billions in reparations every year in perpetuity. ed.)
(continuing): "Luntz’s message to government and business: ‘“Carbon Neutral” Should be Eliminated from your Vocabulary’ is also the heading on that graph from the report.

“Carbon neutral” conjures up “Hollywood types flying across the country and buying carbon offsets.” “Accountability for polluters,” on the other hand, conjures up good governance, says a story last week in The New Republic. The story goes on to say that Luntz:

insists that Americans would support a cap on carbon emissions—80 percent of Dems, but also 43 percent of Republicans he surveyed are either definitely or pretty sure climate change is a problem that’s caused in part by humans. But he doesn’t believe cap-and-trade can pass as long as “it’s called ‘cap-and-trade,’ and all the messaging that’s been used against it. The title has become so demonized that they’ve got to come up with a new name.”"...

Dear Fred Upton: It is said you believe at least some of what this pathetic person Luntz has said. If so, please do America a favor and resign immediately. Thanks.

P.S. Obama said: "We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times …
  • and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK,”..."That's not
  • leadership. That's not going to happen," he added."

Reference: 1/3/11, "Climate change: next security threat," Politico, Opinion

  • Obama quote via Real Science

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