Tuesday, March 1, 2011

WaPo's Greg Sargent calls for union violence, back tracks, Erick Erickson responds, interesting comments to Erick's post

2/28/11, "Washington Post's Greg Sargent demands unions get violent. Union goons attack Fox reporter." Erick Erickson, RedState.com

"The Washington Post’s leftwing mouthpiece, Greg Sargent, who they ostensibly pay to be an objective reporter is on twitter demanding that unions

In what we can presume is unrelated to Greg Sargent’s call, a Fox News reporter

Once I pointed out on Twitter that Sargent was calling for unions to get violent in Wisconsin, Sargent declared he was not promoting violence despite actually writing on twitter:

Dear union thugs: Will you please get violent in Wisconsin already? Pretty please?

Note also that Sargent is calling union members “thugs”.

The point here is not that Sargent actually is endorsing violence. I’m sure he

  • really was being sarcastic.

The point is that Greg Sargent, after demanding that unions get violent in Wisconsin,

that of not taking his tweet at face value — he has a willful pattern of

  • refusing to do with conservatives and Republicans.

See, for example, his insistence that the tea party movement wants “to reverse” abolition, women’s suffrage, and civil rights.

  • What’s good for the goose . . .

Exit point: Yes, I believe Sargent was being sarcastic. The problem is that if I or Sarah Palin or anyone on the right had said something similar, Greg Sargent and his friends would

  • never, ever extend us the courtesy of recognizing the sarcasm, etc.

If you need proof, just dig around for

  • Sargent’s writings about Sarah Palin’s target map."


Comments to above from RedState.com:


"How do you know he was sarcastic?

dirkbelig Monday, February 28th at 2:57PM EST (link)

Anyone who’s been on the Internet for more than a couple of days knows that sarcasm and irony - any form of tone, really - is very hard to translate into print, thus the use of emoticons like ;-) to indicate the comment comes with a wink.

As you noted, no conservative would EVER be accorded the presumption of being anything less than calling for violence, so why are you grabbing the ankles for a partisan with a track record of dishonest posts in the past when he gets busted for DEMANDING violence? To show we’re better than the Left? Ummmm, no. As Dubya proved for eight years, turning the other cheek just gets that one slapped as well and your butt kicked.

Instead of giving him a free pass, why not hold his clear calls for violence up along with this bleats that he’s being mischaracterized and make him twist and shimmy to tweet his way out of his uncivil comments?

Expose liars. Don’t abet them."


"The Palin Standard

alaskahome1959 Monday, February 28th at 3:07PM EST (link)

When Sarah Palin used descriptive words and phrases such as “target our opponents”–terms which were strategic in nature and not in any manner calls for any form of violence–she was blamed for specific acts of violence. Now, when leftists call for *specific* acts of violence they are given a pass because his words should be viewed as calls for civility and not conveying a call for violence? The left can twist common sense, reason and logic in shapes no pretzel maker ever conceived."


"I'm not willing to cede that he was being sarcastic

IronDioPriest Monday, February 28th at 3:15PM EST (link)

Look at the dynamic that is being created in the culture re; violence and violent rhetoric.

Nevermind the truth, or the appearance of truth. Something insidious is underway, and it is permeating the culture regardless of which side of the cultural divide one happens to be on.

The media, one of only two viable political parties, the President of the United States, and all their ardent supporters are working

  • to create this dynamic - and it is this:

We will throw our entire effort into portraying the concerns of the American people as radical, and their actions as violent, regardless of truth, and regardless of what anyone can see and hear with their own eyes and ears. Conservatives and everyday Americans will be accused of violent rhetoric and actions

Now they send out phase two of that signal, and it is this:

Leftist thugs can do whatever they wish, and there will be no accountability. The media’s got your back. The Democrat party’s got your back. The President of the United States has got your back. You’ll suffer no consequences, so get out there, and act boldly. In the meanwhile, we’ll keep up with the accusations of violence against your conservative enemies, while you do your dirty work.

They know that we know that they know there is a double standard of accountability, and that they are guilty of exactly that of which they accuse us. That is beside the point now. The point now is that they are subtly

  • being given the go-ahead."


"Being civil will lose us the war

twinelm Monday, February 28th at 3:42PM EST (link)

What is good for the goose IS good for the gander. It is TIME to hold these goons accountable for their rhetoric. All of it. Why exactly should this idiot get a pass for inciting violence, hyperbolic or otherwise?
This is a war, dammit. And we MUST fight TO WIN IT!"


"It's real, stop conning yourselves. They mean it.

johnt Monday, February 28th at 4:39PM EST (link)

What are we, the docile cattle taking the one way trip? Piece it all together. It’s a piece with the Journalist thing, a pervert named Ackermann would vent all his homicidal violence, then close with, “of course, I’m only kidding”. Indeed. We have arrived at the point where almost every day a Normal Person gets assaulted by the historical figure of the barbaric Goth, and yet the fools on our side play nice, rollover for them if you please.
Humor yourselves, but some awareness and prep may be in order.
2012 is truly starting to look more ominous.

“a man’s admiration for absolute government is proportinate to the contempt he feels for those around him”. Tocqueville"


"I agree, 2012 is looking very ominous.

littlehouse18 Monday, February 28th at 5:45PM EST (link)

I fear they will not give up their power peacefully. Yet so far I believe we have gained a lot of moral high ground by exposing their tactics and being peaceful ourselves.

Now is not the time to give that up. We must continue to stick to our principles and expose them for who they are. If we respond in kind at this point (and I pray we never have to), we will not have built up enough support yet and lose much of what we have. Many would then see us as on the same level as these goons,



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