Saturday, March 19, 2011

Violent protests against Obama in Brazil

Anti Obama Brazil protests, 3/18/11

above photo Peter Kirlos/O Globo, 3/18/11

above photo Agency Fotoarena/O Globo, 3/18/11


Brazil protesters hurl Molotov cocktail at US embassy in Rio de Janeiro, 3/18/11,
photo by Peter Kirlos, O Globo

3/18/11, "Demonstration against the visit of Obama cause confusion in the Consulate in Rio," Correiobrazillense

A protest against the visit of the President of the United States, Barack Obama, sparked uproar and confusion in downtown Rio de Janeiro at night this Friday (6/3). A molotov cocktail bottle arremassada against the Consulate would have started the confusion.
  • A security of the Consulate was injured.

The police responded with gunfire, rubber bullets, pepper spray and moral effect bombs against demonstrators. At least 14 people were detained on account of the protest tonight. Prisoners were taken to the fifth police precinct of Rio.

The United Socialist Workers ' Party (PSTU) released note this night

  • condemning the police repression against the demonstration.

Second the PSTU, the movement was organized by trade unions, social movements and political parties, as the PSTU and CSP-Conlutas, and brought together some 300 protesters. They left the rally by Candlemas on Avenida Rio Branco

  • to the U.S. Consulate.

The party says that people were assaulted by police with batons and rubber bullets, at around 7 pm, when arrived at the u.s. Consulate. The military police have also accused the protesters of having thrown the molotov cocktail that started the confusion and provoked the reaction of PM.

In the note, the PSTU repudiated violence and stated that he will make new manifestation against the Government Obama and the "delivery" of pre-salt (oil) Government Dilma this Sunday (20/3), 10 a.m., the day of Obama's visit to Rio in Largo do Machado.

The US President will be received by President Dilma Rousseff, this Saturday (19/3), 10 a.m. in the Palácio do Planalto in Brasília. Then at 10, the two attend a working meeting, and at noon will make a joint declaration. The Palácio do Planalto concluded in late this Friday (6/3) the last details of the visit.

On Sunday (20/3), Obama decided to speak only in Municipal, rather than make a pronouncement in Cinelândia,


3/18/11, "Rubber Bullets Fly at Anti-Obama Protest In Rio," Forbes, Kenneth Rapoza

"What is most ironic about the Brazil protests is that the PSTU is a hard core socialist party in Brazil. While anti-Obama protests in the US consider Obama a socialist, the socialists in Brazil consider him a yankee capitalist, the bane of the Latin American left....

  • Fourteen protestors have been arrested.

See video here by a protestor at the moment the rubber bullets were fired.."...


3/20/11, "Chileans March against War, Obama''s Visit," Prensa Latina

"When calling to join the demonstration Sunday, less than 24 hours after Obama arrived in Chile, organizers urged the United States to respect the emancipation and liberation processes in Latin America, and to stop attacking Cuba, Venezuela, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Bolivia.

They also urged Obama to assume his country's responsibility in the military coup against the Salvador Allende government, an incident that has allowed serious human rights violations go unpunished in the country,

  • according to Chilean leftists.

In addition, the protesters called for lifting the prolonged U.S. blockade of Cuba, and to immediately release the five Cuban antiterrorists imprisoned in the United States for more than 12 years.

Obama is very far from honoring the Nobel Peace Prize he was given in 2009, said the president of the Federation of Chilean Students, Camila Vallejos."


Putting aside the backstory of the protests, US media will not make them 24/7 bad news for a Democrat and never for Obama. Over time, people can be convinced of anything--many people approve of stoning to death for adultery. An absence of bad news about Obama (or anyone) will cause the public to think he is much better than he is. George Bush deserved to be criticized but not with 24/7 intense hatred on every front page, magazine cover, and newscast for 8 years. He could have helped the country by calling the media out for this but he didn't. The coverage was more damaging to the country and Americans than it was to George Bush who is retired now. The media loves its created theme of America hatred. We the people are still here to live in an invented culture where 24/7 hatred is normal.

  • This is one of the reasons why the Tea Party was forced into existence. ed.

2 lower photos correiobrazillense, via Weasel Zippers, Chile article via GWP

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