Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tea Party national nominating convention for 2012 election begins October 5th in Kansas City

3/1/11, "Tea Party Nominating Convention Announced,", Rick Amato

"At this very moment an historic press conference is taking place in Topeka, Kansas, to announce The National Tea Party Nominating Convention, also known
  • as Freedom Fest 2011.

If you are a Tea Party activist or someone who is sick and tired of being forced to choose the “best available Republican candidate from among the worst,” then this is the event you have been waiting for.

The nominating convention will take place in America’s heartland, Kansas City, October 5th-9th, 2011. Over 1 million people are expected to attend, including several of the U.S. Presidential hopefuls.

The purpose of the convention is not to be a third party challenge but instead, to vet U.S. Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates

  • so that the RNC understands which candidates

the grassroots Tea Party nation supports. Should the Republican party choose to ignore the message, they will do so at their own risk.

As political pollster and author of the book Mad As Hell: How the Tea Party Movement Is Fundamentally Remaking Our Two Party System Scott Rasmussen recently told me on my radio show,

  • “I can’t imagine any Republican party Presidential candidate winning his party’s nomination without the support of the Tea party movement.”

The process will involve a fifty-state “grassroots” Tea Party “straw poll” and provide each state’s Tea Party and 9/12 groups a caucus area to rally and discuss their local, state, and national candidates and any legislation or issues

  • important to their independent groups.

The organizers of the event will join me tonight on my radio show (7pmPST for an exclusive interview."


  • (In case anyone thought the Tea Party was going away....). ed.


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