Friday, March 25, 2011

Obama seeks to arm ground forces in Libya, wants UN approval, no mention seeking approval of his employer, the American people via Congress

3/25/11, "US May Supply Gaddafi Rebels With Weapons," Sky News, Robert Nisbet

"Western diplomatic sources have confirmed to Sky News that the US is considering the legality of
  • arming the Libyan rebels.

One of the unintended consequences of United Nations' Resolution 1970 was to starve the rebels of the weapons they would need to take on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

It requires all UN members to "immediately take the necessary measures" to prevent the supply or sale of weapons to the Libyan government - with no exemption for anti-Gaddafi forces.

But Sky News now understands the US is looking at a legal framework to allow limited supplies of arms to the rebels, if they can prove they need them to defend themselves from attack.

  • Mark Kornblau, spokesman for US Ambassador Dr Susan Rice, confirmed it was a possibility.

"Resolutions 1970 and 1973, read together, neither specify nor preclude such an action," he said.

  • Britain and France are also reported to be considering the legal options.

A diplomat from a member state participating in the coalition told Sky News the purpose of the resolution was clear.

  • He said: "It authorises all necessary measures to protect civilians under threat of attack.

"Our focus is now on implementing that paragraph through the action being taken by the coalition.

"Everything we do will be consistent with the United Nations Security Resolution and with international law."

  • Earlier David Cameron had seemed to dismiss the prospect in the Commons, when he said: "I think I am right in saying that the resolution is clear.

"There is an arms embargo and that arms embargo has to be enforced across Libya."

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon says the UN is not trying to "change a regime" but provide protection to

  • "save the lives" of innocent civilians.

He said his special envoy had told the Libyan government that the Security Council could consider "additional measures" if Gaddafi continued to flout the conditions of Resolution 1973.

  • But it is unlikely the riven council would agree to any ground force, in addition to policing the no-fly zone.

Resolution 1973 specifically excludes "a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory."

Russia and China have already expressed unhappiness with the coalition's activity in Libya."


Commenter to above article:

"Posted by: nakamori on March 25, 2011 3:30 PM

It would be insane for the U.S to arm these so-called freedom fighters in eastern Libya.The area has sent scores of suicide bombers to Iraq and Afghanistan to kill American soldiers.As if to underline this, these rebels have staged a suicide bombing a few days ago to drive away Gaddafi's forces from Bengazhi.America would be digging its own grave by arming these jihadists masquerading as fighters for democracy."


8 years of violent screaming riots by the left to stop killing and war. Now they are silent. Not one word ever again from the left about killing and war. Not one. ed.


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