Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Obama rep not up on science, speaks of 'air pollution' when the topic is carbon dioxide, The Hill article never even mentions CO2

Obama's rep is apparently not up on 'the science.' It is on CO2 alone that the man-made global warming theory rests and about which EPA regulations are at this moment concerned. Air pollution is a general term often confused with man caused global warming theory which says it is carbon dioxide alone that allegedly sinks islands. Air pollution is something different about which they are not claiming sinking islands and would not provide enough grounds for extracting billions in reparations from American taxpayers. Trillions are in the global warming pipeline, not least massive profits for organized crime--which our pathetic elected officials ignore. It is Obama and the UN mob's claim that CO2 is poisonous, that Americans emit it enough to cause catastrophic, worldwide death, destruction, and sinking islands, and for which we must give billions in reparations. This is not the same as 'air pollution,' a fluffy term used to confuse people. Obama's rep is telling everyone that the EPA rules are only about air pollution, and that the GOP is in favor of air pollution. The Hill article helps the side they favor by not mentioning carbon dioxide in the article. It is not as if we don't already have countless regulations and taxes in place vs 'emissions' and 'pollution.' It is why we leave the mining of 'rare earths' minerals to the Communist Chinese who do not have the environmental regulations we do.
3/16/11, "White House slams Senate GOP measure to block climate rules," The Hill E wire, Ben Geman

"The White House is bashing a proposed Senate GOP amendment to small business legislation that would nullify the Environmental Protection Agency’s power to regulate greenhouse gases.

This amendment rolls back the Clean Air Act and harms Americans' health by taking away
Clark Stevens, a White House spokesman, said in a statement Tuesday night."...


3/15/11, "GOP rejects EPA's climate finding," Politico, Robin Bravender

The above Politico article discusses global warming and EPA regulations but does not mention carbon dioxide, going with the evasive term 'emissions.' The only man caused substance tied to alleged global warming is CO2. It is not 'emissions' but CO2 which they say causes sinking islands, starvation and the like, is blamed mainly on Americans, and for which billions of American tax dollars have been spent and promised in the greatest fraud in history.

2/21/11, "Hackers target European carbon registries," USA Today, B. Acohido

7/16/10, "Carbon Trading Used as Money-Laundering Front," Jakarta Globe

10/25/10, "Queen set to earn millions from windfarm expansion," UK Independent, Andy McSmith

"‘Perverse’ CO2 Payments Send Flood of Money to China," by Mark Schapiro, Yale Environment 360
  • (That Luntz is a GOP consultant anywhere shows why the GOP deserves to go out of business. ed.)
Reference: New Republic, "Frank Luntz on how to pass a climate bill," 1/21/10 by Jesse Zwick
10/6/10, "Hal Lewis: My Resignation From The American Physical Society," Hal Lewis, Emeritus Professor, GWPF
3/15/11, "ATI Says 'Stop Calling It Carbon'," ATI press release


via Tom Nelson

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