Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lovesick NY media fawn over Neo-Con Obama who has given our soldiers to terrorists and thugs to use as they please

Obama supports racist Libyan "Rebels" who are driving blacks out of Libya. The NY media avoids actual news, just sells adoration of Neo Con Obama. Below, NY Daily News, 3/29/11, photo conquering Neo Con Obama visiting NYC today, followed by NYC front pages today.





(photos 2,3, and 5 above with Obama and halo)

Below, George Bush burned in effigy for going to war, Nov. 2004

Bush effigy via Zombietime.com


Libya bad for the black....” said a Malian arrival at the camp, “rebel chase us....Gadaffi chase us.”

3/18/11, "Border Blues," Think Africa Press by Ben Judah, reporting from the Tunisia side of the Libya-Tunisia border

3/25/11, "Mark Steyn: Do-gooders in a land with no good guys," Orange County Register

"It is tempting and certainly very easy to point out that Obama's war (or Obama's "kinetic military action," or "time-limited, scope-limited military action," or whatever the latest ever more preposterous evasion is) is at odds with everything candidate Obama said about U.S. military action before his election. And certainly every attempt the president makes to explain his Libyan adventure is either cringe-makingly stupid ("I'm accustomed to this contradiction of being both a commander-in-chief but also somebody who aspires to peace") or alarmingly revealing
  • of a very peculiar worldview:

"That's why building this international coalition has been so important," he said the other day.

  • "It is our military that is being volunteered by others to carry out missions

that are important not only to us, but are important internationally."

That's great news. Who doesn't enjoy volunteering other people? The Arab League, for reasons best known to itself, decided that Col. Gadhafi had outlived his sell-by date. Granted that the region's squalid polities haven't had a decent military commander since King Hussein fired General Sir John Glubb half-a-century back, how difficult could it be even for Arab armies to knock off a psychotic transvestite guarded by Austin Powers fembots? But no:

  • Instead, the Arab League decided to volunteer the U.S. military.
Likewise, the French and the British. Libya's special forces are trained by Britain's SAS. Four years ago, President Sarkozy hosted a state visit for Col. Gadhafi, his personal security detail of 30 virgins, his favorite camel and a 400-strong entourage that helped pitch his tent in the heart of Paris. Given that London and Paris have the third- and fourth-biggest military budgets on the planet and that between them they know everything about Gadhafi's elite troops, sleeping arrangements, guard-babes and dromedaries, why couldn't they take him out? But no:


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