Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Libyan war is black genocide, "Libya bad for the black," 3/18/11 Malian refugee

Libya bad for the black....” said a Malian arrival at the camp, “rebel chase us....Gadaffi chase us.”

3/18/11, "Border Blues," Think Africa Press by Ben Judah, reporting from the Tunisia side of the Libya-Tunisia border

"As of today - Friday - in the wake of a ceasefire being announced in Libya after the passing of a UN resolution authorising the use of force and the imposition of a no-fly zone, the outcome of the battle for Libya remains uncertain....

  • “There are 15,000 people in the camp and 2000 arriving a day,” says Langdon Greenhalgh from humanitarian relief organisation the Red Cross. “There is a similar number in Egypt.”

Since clashes erupted, an estimated 230,000 refugees have fled Libya to Tunisia or Egypt. They are mostly migrant workers from impoverished countries in Asia and sub-Saharan African lured by the higher salaries available due to Libyan oil wealth. Almost all are single men under forty.

Unconfirmed claims of tens of thousands of black Africans fleeing southwards into Niger and Chad have also been reported in the region.

Libya bad for the black....” said a Malian arrival at the camp, “rebel chase us....Gadaffi chase us.”

Tunisia is grappling to restore order and security in the south of the country - but resentment hangs in the air. On March 11 the army fired on and killed two people in a group of demonstrators

  • demanding work at phosphate plants in the city of Gafsa.

Troops at the border expressed concern that migrant workers originally from Bangladesh, Somalia, Egypt or Palestine would try and stay in Tunisia. The revolt in January that left over 300 dead and ended the 23-year rule of the Tunisian dictator Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali was triggered by rage at youth unemployment.

We are building a new camp for ethnic Libyans just in case the full-scale civil war begins, because if they leave they won’t be able to go anywhere else,” says Mansur, an organizer from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Red Crescent, as his team scramble to pitch tents

  • and a make-shift mosque under the Arab tricolour of the UAE....

“He’ll fall in the end...we are sure,” says a frontier guard staring at Libyan forces across the border at Ras Ajdir. “But this is not going to end anytime soon.”"


Caption with another photo with above article "Thousands of former migrants are fleeing Libya for sub-Saharan Africa after complaining of persecution from both Gaddafi's and rebel forces." above photo by Ben Judah


Definition of Neo Con "freedom" in Libya: Hardworking Americans robbed of their few wages to finance black genocide. This is 'democracy' to neo-Cons like Obama. As long as terrorists are killing people and American citizens are paying for it, they're happy.

Where is the anti-war movement now? Where is International Answer now? Where is United for Peace and Justice?


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