Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jamie Radtke for US Senate 2012 from the great state of Virginia

3/23/11, "Remembering the day America was ignored," BigGovernment, Jamie Radtke

"One year ago today President Barack Obama signed into law government controlled health care. It was a punch in the gut to a majority of Americans who had passionately pleaded that this legislation be thrown in the dumpster. How many times did millions of people travel to Washington D.C., call and email our congressman, or attend Town Hall meetings and demand they, “kill the bill?”

We were readily dismissed and slandered by the Democrats in Congress; accused of being astro-turf

  • and even racists.

This diversionary tactic was cleverly employed to conceal the fact that Congress was, through calculation and deceit, forcefully imposing their ultra-liberal agenda on the American people.

Let’s make no mistake about it. This is socialized medicine that will cost us trillions of dollars that we DO NOT HAVE, but don’t worry…we will print the money to cover the bill. Even better, Congress and the President have decided your liberty means very little to them if it means more control for Washington, so the IRS will now force you to enter into an insurance contract

  • against your will.

When was the last time we had 28 states suing the federal government? When was the last time you had a million people take to the streets in opposition to the actions of Congress? When was the last time we saw such a sweeping sea-change in a congressional election cycle? We are beyond angry. We want the insanity to stop in Washington D.C.

  • So what are the next steps as we mourn this one year anniversary?

The House passed a bill to repeal Obamacare, but little else has been done. It is now time to play hardball. No more continuing resolutions, no more contemplation of raising the debt ceiling, no more token $6 billion cuts. Let’s repeal this direct offense to our liberty and make President Obama veto it. Next, let’s defund and gut this legislation. I don’t want lame excuses for no action and

  • I could care less about all the gamesmanship.

The tea party grassroots has had a tremendous impact on our political landscape. We made huge strides this past November. But our work is not done yet. If we are serious about abolishing Obamacare, then we must elect constitutional candidates to the U.S. Senate that have the grit and the fire to go to the wall. I can promise you all one thing: I have stood in the cold, attended rallies, emailed, called, blogged, spent thousands of dollars of my own money, and dragged my kids all over Virginia in an effort to destroy this cancer on our freedom…and if elected as the next U.S. Senator from Virginia, I will do everything in my power to repeal, defund and kill government controlled health care.

  • But it will only happen if the tea party stays involved and influences elections all over the country.
  • Will you join me?"

3/23/11, "ObamaCare one year later,", Rep. Renee Ellmers


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