Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jackass Scott Brown carries water for democrats, forgets this is THEIR budget they're using to get people like him to bash republicans in the media


Senator Brown, you may not be aware, but the present budget was to be settled in 2010 when Democrats held all 3 branches of government. With all that power, they decided not to pass a budget. Why? They knew a dumb alleged Republican like Scott Brown would come along a few months later and make a splash criticizing Republicans. Scott Brown even trivializes the matter by accusing some of "ideology" in his screed and forgets the word "character." Senator Brown can be the new Newt Gingrich or Karl Rove or better yet just another democrat.

3/31/11, "Sen. Scott Brown calls Republican spending cuts 'irresponsible'," Chris Moody

"Sen. Scott Brown called Republican efforts to cut government spending “irresponsible” and urged party leaders to get over their ideology and find an agreement on a final resolution to the government through the fiscal year.

The Massachusetts Republican sent a letter to Senate leaders of both parties Thursday urging them to end their squabble over the budget, drop the ideological games and come to an agreement, adding that he was disappointed” in their behavior so far.

Brown started by scolding the leaders, who are currently in negotiations for a long-term budget deal."...


This budget should have been voted on in 2010 with ample majorities. Why would they kick the can down the road? Because they don't give a damn about this country. Scott Brown should keep his mouth shut while he's biding time before perhaps running for re-election as a democrat. No one is saying the Republicans are anything to brag about, but they are all that stands between us and a one party system. ed.


Reference: "Federal Budget imperatives," Leo Hindery Jr., Huffington Post

via Weasel Zippers

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