Friday, March 25, 2011

It's not about Republican union-busting, it's about curing structural problems in our economy--commenter

3/25/11, "When States Stop From Being Union Bosses’ Dues Collection Agencies,", LaborUnionReport

Commenter to Florida State House voted to stop the state from being unions’ dues collection agency(above):

"I like that unions are having to share hardship... but

But I don’t think there is any kind of cohesive leadership explaining principles behind it and it has turned into an impression that it

  • is all about Republican union busting, when it isn’t really the case.

It’s about curing inefficiencies and structural problems in the economy in which the taxpayers are at the end of the food chain. And of course these kinds of situations not only affect tax bills, they have an impact upon the economic landscape around them in just the fact that

  • they contribute to consumption rather expansion of the economic base.

I don’t think anyone argues that workers don’t have rights, or that they should be treated that way, but then those supposed rights infringe upon the right of the public to pursue happiness by negatively impacting the macroeconomic lanscape, it’s a problem. The last thing we need is to leave distortions in the labor market in place, and nothing does that more than unionized civil employees and undue labor regulations in general.

One last general thought about this controversy is that it’s a real head-scratcher how Democrats claim to be the party of the little guy, and of the workers, why is it that they only really care about the 18% of the national workforce that IS unionized. One would think they would embrace neo-liberal reforms that benefit the other 82% of the working population by flushing the inefficiencies out of the labor market so we can get it functioning again. But of course


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