Thursday, March 31, 2011

Breitbart main concern culture rather than politics, media has declared civil war on us, Tea Party is driven by women

3/30/11, " A Nationwide Movement To Eliminate Voter Fraud Is Born," poster cringinghere
"Then came Andrew Breitbart in yet another whirlwind performance. I’ve seen Andrew speak half a dozen times, now, and his manic, near steam of consciousness speeches get better every time I hear them.

Breitbart’s address was less about vote fraud than the others and more about his bailiwick of the culture war in which we are engaged against the far left of Hollywood and the media. He’s a bulldog for fairness and for taking down the far left’s wall of propaganda.
  • But he’s not a politics guy, he told us.

I don’t care that much about politics, I don’t go on CNN or Fox to talk about politics, I care about the culture. We’ve allowed the cultural Marxists to take over our culture and I just want to expose some of what they do. I’m about exposing the mainstream media

  • I’m about exposing Hollywood,” he said in quick time.

He told us that he started life as a liberal. This surprised some in the audience. Breitbart has become a conservative hero more by default than by device because the left has filled the news with so many lies and agenda driven personalities that he could stand it no more. Ultimately he became one of us.

It’s been 2 years since I joined the Tea Party movement, I first started as a defender of the movement but then after two years I realized that, hey, I’m one of you!

I am the only media mogul that has two car payments and a mortgage, I don’t have a private plane, I’m just like you guys!

Breitbart’s speaking style is filled with amusing anecdotes and a wonderful West Coast vernacular that gives a glimpse of that Hollywood world at which he rebels.

  • In fact, I’ll just post my quick notes of what he said giving you a bit of a taste of his flair.

'Traveling across the county, I have a lot of time to think. One of the things I thought about was a basic observation of our culture. The media is our enemy. The media is at war with us. Observation one: the media is the problem. The media won’t report the stories of the day. So to get the real stories out

  • we’ve all had to become the media.

That’s what happens when people come to me and I post these stories.

Now if you’re from the Muslim Brotherhood and you want to donate to NPR, they love you.

So what’s the solution? We need to raze the mainstream media, we need to eliminate them. I want you to cheer when The New York Times fails. They choose to ignore the Tea Party movement, tell the media that “we’re sick and tired of

  • the civil war you’ve declared on the American people.”

What if we created the Council on American Tea Party Relations, would they pay attention? No. We need to take them on. Your Harry Reids and Nancy Pelosis are the week sisters

  • without the media backing them up.

There is another thing I realized. The Tea Party movement is driven by the women. I come to these things and I get picked up by a woman and in the time I get from the airport to the hotel I learn more about what is going on here on the ground than I can even take in. It’s like they are the general Schwartzkophs of the movement.

But the women run the Tea Party because the media has made men today a point of attack. They are called racists, homophobes, haters. The men know the media is going to attack them. But the women run this movement and they say

  • “I don’t care I’m going to save this country.”

It’s an unspeakable crime what the left and the media have done to families in the minority communities. Maybe that’s want they want? But we need to go into these communities and say we are here to help. The guilt is officially over.

  • That is the weapon they’ve used to destroy us.

But these changes have come not at the hands from the Republican Party. They want the Tea Party to go away because its uncomfortable.

Now I helped create Huffington Post. I know, crazy, isn’t it? But what it has done is drive the Democrat Party further left. Even The New York Times has had to prove that they are left of center. We are moving toward a more British media culture of left and right media without this false assumption that the media is unbiased.

But the left’s goal is to shut you up. They want to destroy the people’s voice. Well WE are going to fight the Lamestream Media. You folks are the media, now. It’s about taking down the entire institutional left.

  • They don’t control it all any more.'

What better way to end the event than a wonderful rant from Andrew Breitbart?

I can’t think of any."


I've felt the media was the number 1 problem in this country for many years. Breitbart has articulated this problem in a way that is awakening millions to it. Those who undertake to defeat the media must be prepared to be massively attacked and ridiculed. It helps to have a certain amount of economic independence, being out of reach of saboteurs. They will try a variety of ways to silence you. As Andrew said, that's what they do, try to shut you up. Not everyone can deal with that. Breitbart is self employed so the media can't get him fired, for example. ed.


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