Saturday, March 26, 2011

'Beat Whitey Night' a big success at Iowa State Fair, August 2010, but Iowa 'terror' drill was planned with bad white guys shooting racial minorities

3/26/11, "DHS funded propaganda event cancelled," American Thinker, Phil Boehmke

"Critics: Iowa terror drill portrays immigration* foes as killers," Des Moines Register, W. Petroski
  • (*Illegal immigration not immigration in general is referenced in the body of the report. The headline does not make that distinction. ed)
Obama's Department of Homeland Security gave US taxpayer dollars to a small town in Iowa to stage a massive 'terror' drill on Saturday, March 26 featuring American whites as mad killers inspired by racial hatred.

"More than 300 people were scheduled to participate in Saturday’s exercise from about 42 agencies, including area hospitals, fire departments, law enforcement agencies, schools and other organizations. Planning for the event had been
  • underway for four to five months."...
It was so massive in scope that town residents were warned not to be alarmed at what they might see going by their house. The 'drill' included delivering injured to hospitals.

Actual events such as Islamic murders or black on white gang attacks which took place at 'Beat Whitey Night' at the Iowa State Fair in August 2010 in Des Moines didn't make it to the terror drill. The schools superintendent has never heard of the existence of white supremacist groups or racial tensions: Treynor Schools Superintendent "Elwood...added
  • he isn't aware of any racial tensions
A non-existent threat was used because someone wanted to sell hate and fear. It was invented and paid for by the Obama Dept. of Homeland Security in conjunction with officials in an Iowa town. Planning of this massive event was known by many children and has already damaged their minds about white people and America.

'Beat Whitey Night' at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines in 2010 involved a violent gang of 30-40 blacks roaming the Fair and attacking whites. They injured a number of people including police. This wasn't mentioned in reports about possible ideas for a terror drill.

Word has reached Iowa about the media. They know that mainstream media would never report "Beat Whitey Night." What coverage the night of terror did receive avoided saying it was a racial event, even though its perpetrators had declared it to be such.

8/24/10, "“Beat Whitey Night” a Smashing Success at Iowa State Fair"

Just a little news item you won’t be hearing much about from the Lame Stream Media:

Beat Whitey Night at the Iowa State Fair
Point ‘em Out. Knock ‘em Out in Burlington, Iowa
By Sherry Tomfeld
Associated Content

"The Iowa State Fair had its share of problems with “attacks” on fair goers this year. On August 14th, after several attacks, the security was upped at the fair grounds.

Over the last weekend trouble again erupted at the fair grounds where a group of 30-40 people, mostly black, were roaming the grounds and saying it was “beat whitey night”.

Beat Whitey Night ended up with 2 police being assaulted while trying to bring the black “youths” under control. To hear one of the officers account of the attack on himself, the audio is here.

Two black girls were the attackers on this policeman. One hit him from behind while he was trying to corral the one in front of him.

Was this an organized gang? No one is saying....

The beat whitey night and point ‘em out, knock ‘em out activities are

Something or someone is setting racial violence into action

  • where none was before.

Keokuk, Iowa had 5 shootings this weekend at a “disturbance” in a bar after a hip-hop contest was over and the bar was closing. No papers or TV news have said what races were involved. The media is slow to report race or motives.

Law enforcement and the media tend to try and be PC. This is not going to work. People are outraged and the anger is growing about the black violence on whites in Iowa.

Reading the blogs and comments on news sites, its clear that some think they will have to take things into their own hands. That’s going to lead to major problems.

State Rep. Ako Abdul-Samad Democrat from Des Moines said he wasn’t sure if the beat whitey night attacks were racially motivated. He didn’t have enough information.

  • What? This is how mole hills become mountains Mr. Abdul-Samad.

Iowa politicians and law enforcement have to get on top of this now. Iowans aren’t going to take this kind of stuff laying down.

  • There’s no room, need or want for racism in Iowa.

Beat whitey night is appalling. And hate crimes are hate crimes. Black on white violence is just as hateful as white on black violence.

Wake up Iowa and take control."


8/24/10, ""Beat Whitey Night" At Iowa State Fair," The Smoking Gun

"Cops probe whether attacks were racially motivated"

"Police are investigating whether a series of assaults at the Iowa State Fair were racially motivated since the attackers reportedly announced it was “Beat Whitey Night” during one attack.

According to a Des Moines Police Department report, a group of young black assailants pummeled a white fairgoer Friday night, an assault that cops believe may have racial overtones due to what was said by the attackers.

A report by Sgt. David Murillo noted that, “officers at the fairgrounds advise there was a group of 30-40 individuals roaming the fairgrounds

  • openly calling it ‘Beat Whitey Night.’

The victim, 36-year-old Jammie Carroll, suffered “severe injuries to his eyes, cheekbones, and nose,” and was hospitalized at Mercy Medical Center with multiple facial contusions.

Cops are examining other reported incidents at the fairgrounds since groups of black juveniles appeared to be singling out white victims. During one of these confrontations Sunday evening, two police officers were injured trying to break up a brawl (which resulted in five arrests).

A second police report notes that the Sunday incident again involved “a large fight with black male and female juveniles


Here is a local report including a police person hesitating to say the attacks were racial


Here is a citizen angry at the "Beat Whitey Night" attacks but more angry that the main media will never report it. Eerily, he says are you kidding, someone will probably PAY to have a group attack whites next time. (The DHS did pay to create a dramatized 'hate' event that was meant to engender hatred against whites.)


Reference: 3/24/11, "Critics: Iowa terror drill portrays immigration foes as killers," Des Moines Register, W. Petroski

Treynor, Iowa only has a population of 919. Why did it seek American taxpayer money from DHS to run a massive production involving more than 300 people, 42 agencies, 30-40 'victims' being sent to hospitals shot up by white racists?

"The Treynor public schools have 735 students and less than 1 percent are racial minorities, Elwood said. He added he isn't aware of any racial tensions
  • or the existence of any local white supremacists."...

photo from New Media Journal

3/24/11, "County, DHS officials stage mock terror exercise featuring 'anti-immigration' shooters," New Media Journal

3/24/11, "Group criticizes mock Iowa school shooting drill," AP, T. Ross


I wonder what happened 2 years ago to inspire blacks to violent acts such as "Beat Whitey Night" which most media will not report and which were not part of Iowa's character before? What would inspire the DHS to give taxpayer money to fund a racist extravaganza slandering white Americans? ed.


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