Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why does Speaker Boehner waste his time going on shows like David Gregory's ?

Since the left is concerned, as we all are, about not wasting time, why not begin with not wasting Speaker Boehner's time going on these dumb shows?

2/14/11, "Boehner's job to be PR flak for Obama?," American Thinker, Ralph Alter

"Get a load of this video featuring David Gregory harassing House Speaker John Boehner over the fairly commonly held belief that Barack Obama is a Muslim. Why do our conservative leaders put up with this nonsense? Gregory's "questions" are more
  • like monologues of the "when did you stop beating your wife" variety.
Apparently it is now the responsibility of the Republican leadership in Congress to convince Americans that Barack Obama is not a Muslim and that he was born in the United States. Funny, B.O. and his minions, despite a full-court press by the mainstream media, haven't been able to dislodge these conclusions arrived at

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