Thursday, February 24, 2011

Veiled threat against Wisconsin governor, 'right wing pigs' by union thug at socialist meeting. What, no civility?

Public employee unions are the US version of the UK monarchy. Other people have jobs that come and go, income that comes and goes, or may be starving, but not royalty, government unions, and their entourages. The Royals and the Union use part of the money gifted to them to finance moves to keep them rich and the masses poor. The peasants actually pay their rulers to continue oppressing them. AFSCME is a government employee union.

2/24/11, "AFSCME thinly-veiled threat against Scott Walker," BigGovernment, Kyle Olson

"As the rhetoric continues to escalate and vitriol is directed at Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, the left willfully ignores all the
  • hate and incivility.
Fewer than 40 days after the Tucson Tragedy, the left is once again using heated rhetoric and resorting to
  • thug-like behavior to intimidate their political opponents.

But as the budget fix bill moves closer to a vote, there is reason to fear that the protestors might resort to mob-like behavior.

As the Madison demonstrations drag on, safety is becoming a concern. Sources indicate that Capitol security forces are planning for the worst, and with good reason.

Consider this veiled threat by Mike Imbrogno, a public employee and an executive board member of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. After a recent

  • International Socialist Organization meeting, Imbrogno told an EAGtv reporter,

A recall process against the governor legally cannot begin until he’s been in office for 12 months. An AFSCME leader would know this.

  • So what could he mean?

Imbrogno has used similar coded language recently. Consider his rant posted on

The rallies are supposed to be followed by time for “lobbying” members of the legislature to vote no on the worst aspects of these attacks. But this battle won’t be won in the offices of these right-wing pigs. It will be won by framing these political questions in the streets.

The mood around the Capitol is tense and the unions are stoking it.

It could turn ugly at any moment, especially when the legislation passes. Elected leaders and their staff have every right to be fearful of what the unions will do to them, but at this point, they’re holding firm and doing the business

The only question that remains is whether or not the unions will follow through

  • on their threats."

Reference, 2/22/11, "Get a little bloody,", Best of the Web, James Taranto



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