Wednesday, February 16, 2011

UK GDP needs to grow at 2% for unemployment to fall, but last quarter it shrank by .5%

Global warmists like low GDP's with no hope for improvement so eventually you will take the hint and drop dead. If you have a high GDP, you are greedy and must turn over a bunch of it to them.

2/16/11, "UK unemployment total rises again," BBC

"Economists suggest the economy would have to grow at an annual rate of about 2% for unemployment to fall.

and although many analysts expect a return to growth in the current quarter,


Maybe if the UK didn't have an expensive monarchy which competes with citizens for money, and looks to make a fortune in the global warming industry via wind turbines, they wouldn't be in the doldrums.

Reference: 10/24/10, "Queen's £38m a year windfarm windfall," This is money,

"How much the European Monarchies cost:

Queen Elizabeth II reads the Queen's speech to the House of Lords

- Great Britain £68m
- Holland £33.8m
- Norway £23.9m
- Belgium £11.7m
- Denmark £10.5m
- Sweden £10.2m
- Spain £7.4m
- Luxembourg £7.2m"


Reference, 12/17/09, "The End of Capitalism"


Reference, 12/9/10, "Breaking News-The abdication of the West," Joanne Nova

photo This is Money

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