Sunday, February 6, 2011

Turning Egypt into Chicago is good because 'all you need is one election, at most, and everything is settled forever'

"All you need is one election, at most, and everything is settled forever."...

2/6/11, "Turning Egypt into Chicago," American Thinker, James Lewis

"In the first two years of Obama, we found out about his domestic policy, which was to turn the United States into the City of Detroit
  • at a projected cost of thirteen trillion dollars.
Now we finally have an Obama foreign policy victory in sight -- namely in Egypt, where President Mubarak has been told to resign
  • without benefit of elections.
Obama has had two years to plan for this moment, and now we see all that deep thought coming to fruition. Obama's apparent aim is to turn Egypt into Chicago,
  • which also doesn't have real elections,
one party is in charge forever and nobody fights City Hall. His chosen instrument for bringing peace and progress to Egypt -- well, forget the peace part --
  • is to bring the Muslim Brotherhood to power.
The MuBros are not complicated. Just think of them as fascist genociders and you'll get the idea. But you gotta break some eggs to make an omelet, after all.

The mainstream media stand in awe of the fiendish intelligence and profundity of Obama's policies, both foreign and domestic. Their job is to put the lipstick on the pig and let the oinker be damned. Obama's Egyptian policy of making things worse in order to make them better follows the pattern of Gaza (taken over by the MuBros, sort of the General Motors of radical Islam), and Turkey (taken over by ditto).
  • All you need is one election, at most, and everything is settled forever.
Thirty years ago Jimmah Cottuh made history by reversing the modernizing tide of Muslim countries, where Attaturk threw out the Muslim fundamentalists, Pakistan threw out its Muslim fundamentalists after three million people died in the partition, and Iran did, too, all of which led to decades of progress and liberty in the lives of women and other normal folks. Not good enough for Jimmah, who brought back Muslim reactionaries hailing back to the 11th century (the time of the Hidden Imam)
  • and called it peace and progress....
The European Union a few years ago pulled a Jimmah on the secular order in Turkey, by insisting that the Turkish Army, the greatest force for modernization in the last hundred years, could no longer participate in politics. As a result, yes, the MuBros are now in control in Ankara, and Turkey has
  • women dressing in black tents again,
always a good sign of peace and progress.

Obama is now repeating that success in Turkey, because
  • the left, by definition, never, ever learns.
Like the Ancient Regime in France, they forget nothing and they learn nothing. Obama himself, as a young child of six, grew up in Indonesia for four years, right after some 300,000 people had been killed after a civil war between the hard Left and the radical Muslims allied with the Indonesian Army. One Democrat source speculates that
  • Indonesia is Obama's personal model for peace and progress by way of seas of blood.
If you think it can't happen in the Middle East, don't read the headlines for the next two years, because the MuBros have just told Egypt to prepare for war on Israel if they take over. Obama now has set the stage for them to do exactly that, with the direct aid of his friends Jodie Evans and Bill Ayers, who
  • brought over 1400 activists to Egypt last year to stage their own Days of Rage.
Show them a teetering regime and they will rush in to push them over, all in the cause of Peace and Progress.

Jodie and Bill are Obama's home crowd, you understand. He could tell them to stop, or just enforce the Logan Act, but he won't. They want
  • all the fun of standing on the barricades to see people shed their blood,
and by gum and golly, they are going to get it. You'll be able to watch it in the safety of your living room, but the Egyptians will have to make history the hard way.

So will Israel, but they are armed to the teeth, and they've taken the Sinai three times before.
The Iranian revolution imposed a Dark Age upon the intelligent and modernizing people of Iran. Hamas did the same thing to Gaza,
  • which was a thriving and largely peaceful place as long as Israel kept down the forces of medieval darkness and destruction.
Obama now appears to be overthrowing the corrupt but muddling-through Palestinian Fatah on the West Bank, and perhaps the Jordanian Royals, who have managed to keep some peace over there.

We will therefore end up with three MuBro regimes out of Obama's Chicago model of peacemaking, one in Gaza, another one in Jordan, and a third one on the West Bank of the Jordan River, including half of Jerusalem.
  • Peace and progress, get it?
You see, Obama has a Napoleonic vision of the Middle East, one where his unlimited ego prevails over all other forces. You have to remember that Obama is what used to be called a "communist agitator," which is now euphemized as a "community organizer." But like Lenin,
  • Obama's aim is to make things worse to make them better.
This worked like a charm in the Soviet Union, Cambodia, Cuba and China, where the communist agitators created a
  • Worker's Paradise by making things a lot worse.
But Obama's real experience of leftist politics is in Chicago, and I think his real ideal is to see the Middle East be just like Chicago,
  • with himself playing Da Mare.
Chicago has no truck with a two party system. One party is more than enough for the House of Daly. In Chicago you need only two phone calls to get anything done: One to Da Mare, and the other from Da Mare to Da Alderman. That's it. Now that's the way government should work.
  • No muss, no fuss, no democratic complications. ...
We can therefore look forward to a Muslim radicalization of the Middle East, a state of affairs that will look amazingly like the Ottoman Empire in the 500 years before 1920. It will have
  • a Shiite branch in a nuclear Iran controlling Lebanon and maybe Syria, and
  • a Sunni block with Egypt and Saudi Arabia at the core, also armed to the nuclear teeth.
Jodie Evans and Medea Benjamin will celebrate this as a historic victory for feminism, if they just follow the pattern of their Leninist and Stalinist female forerunners. The best thing the left does is twist reality upside-down, so that the Useful Idiot brigade will celebrate the coming of a Dark Age
  • as peace, progress, and joy forever.
Obama is bound and determined to have a historic presidency, and if he can't make things better, he will go all out
  • to make it much, much worse.
He did it with "universal health care," with General Motors, the EPA and
  • unemployment.
Now watch him apply his political talents to the Muslim world.
Are you building your fallout bunker? I'm in the market."


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