Monday, February 7, 2011

Pittsburgh Steelers fan burned all her Steelers possessions upon learning Steelers Chmn. Rooney supported Obama

2/6/11, "Obama declares himself a 'neutral' Super Bowl fan, but skepticism remains,", Ryan Witt

"Dan Rooney, the Chairman of the Pittsburgh Steelers franchise, was one of Obama's earliest and most notable supporters in the 2008 presidential election.
  • Long before others jumped on
the "Obama bandwagon" Rooney was one of the horses pulling the wagon. After seeing one of Obama's Iowa speeches on television Dan Rooney called his son to say,

"This guy connects with people like no one I've seen since John Kennedy. He convinced me that this is more than just a good politician. I want to stand up and say something for this guy. I want to be involved in this."

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette documents how Dan Rooney, a life-long Republican, distances himself from the Republican party, which he saw as aligning itself with ultra-conservatives, and instead grew to have a very close relationship with then-candidate Obama. Rooney supported the Obama campaign financially and through public statements. Rooney stuck with Obama even after getting some

The Rooney support did not go unnoticed by Obama. After being elected Obama nominated (him) to be the United States Ambassador to Ireland. Rooney was later confirmed with overwhelming
  • support from both parties."...


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