Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Muslim Brotherhood no different from Evangelical Christians-El Baradei on ABC News


11/29/10, Muslim Brotherhood protesting elections in Egypt, ap photo
1/30/11 "'This Week' Transcript: Crisis in Egypt," ABC News

"AMANPOUR: As you know, the administration is very concerned that if Mubarak goes, the inevitable replacement is the Muslim Brotherhood or some kind of Islamic fundamentalism.

ELBARADEI (Egyptian Ambasador to the U.S., Mohamed El Baradei): This is total bogus that the (ph) Muslim Brotherhood are religiously conservative. They are no way extremists. They are no way using violence. They are not a majority of the Egyptian people. They will not be more than maybe 20 percent of the Egyptian people. You have to include them

  • like the orthodox Jews in Jerusalem.

I mean, that is -- you -- they are not. This is -- this is what the regime used to -- sold to the -- to the West and to the U.S. "It's either us, repression, or -- or -- or Al Qaida-type Islamists." That is -- that's not -- this is not Egypt.

AMANPOUR: Are the Islamists behind this uprising?

ELBARADEI: Not at all. I mean, what -- what you saw is the young people. I mean, it's all 30 and below. It is organized plan, implemented by people who are 30 and below who are --

Reference: 12/6/10, "Majority of Muslims want Islam in politics, (Pew) poll says," LA Times, Meris Lutz


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