Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jim Moran (D, Va.) minutes after date night slanders GOP and Americans, tells Arab broadcast Americans voted for GOP because they are racist

(I listened to the video and heard mostly the foreign language translator over Moran's words in the approx. 5 minute interview. My computer's audio is limited, so if you can get higher volume you will hear Moran better. I pass along Mr. Tapscott's transcription. ed.)

1/26/11, "Some still fighting the late unpleasantness, like Jim Moran," Washington Examiner, Mark Tapscott

"Rep. Jim Moran, the unusually mean-spirited New Yorker...somehow managed to become Alexandria's congressman....

It [the Republican successes in the 2010 elections] happened for the same reason the Civil War happened in the United States. It happened because the Southern states, the slaveholding states, didn’t want to see a president who was opposed to slavery.

"In this case, I believe, a lot of people in the United States don’t want to be governed by an African-Amerian, particularly one who is liberal, who wants to spend money and who wants to reach out to include everyone in our society….”

"It's difficult to hear over the translator, but you can watch the interview below. Note Moran's, uh, creepy reaching out to the woman interviewing him."...

via Weasel Zippers

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