Sunday, January 2, 2011

Commenters assess The Republicans, Fox News, Krauthammer, 1/1

5 comments I liked to "Did Karl Rove Accidentally reveal that he expects Obama to win in 2012? " NY Magazine, posted on Free Republic, 1/1/2011. Comments don't refer necessarily to NY Magazine article but to general state of Republicans:

1. "To: 2ndDivisionVet

The Republican Party will do everything within their power to ensure that Obama is re-elected.

Hell! John Mc Cain did everything but take out an ad in the newspaper saying,”Vote for Obama.” When he said that we had nothing to fear from an Obama Presidency. History has shown that we had a hellofalot to fear from an Obama Presidency."...

posted on Saturday, January 01, 2011 11:31:52 PM by sport"


2. "To: EagleUSA

In my opinion many Republicans don’t want to rebuild the country. They only care about themselves and, to a lesser extent, their party. They care little about their country and nothing about conservatism. These guys are middle-aged or older and all they want is to be comfortable for their remaining years. This is the very definition of “ruling class,” and it’s why people are increasingly fed up with ALL politicians, not just the Marxists.

In my darker moments I sometimes wonder if there is any peaceful way this can be stopped. I pray that there, and I have great hope for the incoming Congress."...


3. To: Nachum

McCain is the reason we have what we have now. He thought his friend across the aisle, BO, was just fine and refused to run against him. He saved his presidential campaign funds to run against the conservative in his Arizona senate race. He always finds plenty he doesn’t like about conservatives.

The RINOs are why we have the congressional troubles we have now. We lost congress because the RINOs never met an earmark or spending program they did not like.

This past lame duck session proves what backstabbing traitors they are. No way I’ll ever consider a RINO for anything again."...


4. "To: 2ndDivisionVet

Rove’s reputation as the great kingmaker is a fabrication of FNC (Fox News channel).
  • In 2000 Bush won because of a Supreme Court decision and came close to losing to John Kerry (aka Jon Carry) in 2004.
Al Gore and John Kerry aren't exactly charismatic, stellar candidates."...


5. To: hosepipe

...In 1978, Krauthammer quit medical practice to direct planning in psychiatric research for the Jimmy Carter administration, and began contributing to The New Republic magazine. During the presidential campaign of 1980, Krauthammer served as a speech writer to Vice President Walter Mondale....
...In January 1981, Krauthammer began his journalistic career, joining The New Republic as a writer and editor....

...on domestic issues, Krauthammer is a supporter of legalized abortion; an opponent of the death penalty; an intelligent design critic and an advocate for the scientific consensus on evolution, calling the religion-science controversy a “false conflict;” ...and a longtime advocate of

His WaPo Bio:

His speakers bureau bio:


(Note: I don't comment at Free Republic because I was banned some years ago. I said something negative about George Bush and positive about Michael Savage. So I was banned for part or all of that. ed.)
  • P.S. More validation for above commenters from Gateway Pundit post on RNC Chairman hopefuls:
""If you thought the fact that RNC Chair candidate, Maria Cino, was an Obamacare lobbyist was outrageous wait until you hear the latest…

The leading candidate in the race
Reince Priebus‘s law firm supports Obamacare and says its constitutional! Yes, you read that correctly.
Reince Priebus’s law firm
  • supports Obamacare and says its constitutional."...

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