Friday, December 31, 2010

Steve Rattner former Obama car czar totals $16 million fines for bribes against NY State pension funds

Rattner, a member of the glitterati, was allowed to do a media campaign to sell his book about his genius as Obama car czar while announcement of his federal penalties was pending. Thursday's announcement wrapped up the NY State portion of his fines.

12/30/10, "Rattner Coughs Up $10M to Settle Pay-to-Play Suit," WSJ, Law Blog, Koppel

"Rattner has agreed to pay $10 million to settle allegations that he paid kickbacks to land business
  • from New York’s $125 billion pension fund.

Here’s a WSJ report on the settlement, which also requires Rattner to refrain from doing business with any New York pension funds for 5 years. (And here’s a post from WSJ’s Deal Journal blog.)"...


12/30/10, "Rattner Will Pay $10 Million in Restitution, Cuomo Says," Bloomberg, McLaughlin

"The financial adviser last month settled a parallel probe with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for $6.2 million and a two-year ban
  • from associating with broker- dealers or investment advisers....
Rattner has handled the personal and philanthropic finances of New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, whom
  • Rattner supported through his chairmanship of Democrats for Bloomberg during the 2005 re-election campaign."...
10/13/10, "It's important to understand that he (Rattner) isn't just an important person, he is a very specific kind of a very important New York person.
  • He works for important clients at important banks, writes important books, throws important parties in important homes, keeps important friends,
  • is called on to do important things in the capital, and has a wife that does important Democratic Party fundraising."...NY Observer, Abelson
Joe Klein says people like Steve Rattner are the reason we have the Tea Party today (which like the NY Times, Time Magazine may view as a national embarrassment).

12/31/10, "Mr. Rattner, who recently published a book about his work in the auto-industry rescue, also
  • about the auto industry"...Wall St. Journal, "Rattner settles scandal for $10 million," by Corkery and Rothfeld
  • (Item is last sentence in WSJ article)


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