Sunday, November 28, 2010

Menstruating woman subjected to aggressive fondling by TSA at American airport

11/28/10, "Surrendered Nation," American Thinker, by Pamela Geller

"The turkey being served up last Thursday by the ruling elite was the American people. Because she was wearing a panty liner that obscured the screener's view of her genitals,
When did we agree to surrender to Islam? Seriously. Whom did we appoint or elect to negotiate this surrender? Our surrender has been parceled out in loss of freedom,
  • accommodation and submission to Islamic supremacist demands, and in foreign policy that is supine before Iran and cozying up to the Taliban.
Explain to me how, after 9/11 and the tens of thousands of Islamic attacks across the world that have been committed in the name of jihad since then, as well as the myriad Muslim insurgencies in numerous countries, the accelerating destruction of Western civilization in Europe,
  • and the hundreds of jihad plots that have been thwarted in the West,
  • the American people were sacrificed without being consulted....
Meanwhile, those who speak out against all this are marginalized, vilified, and silenced. My website, Atlas, has just been banned from Veterans Administration computers, along with my colleague Robert Spencer's Both were
  • banned for giving voice to "controversial opinions."
I wonder how veterans feel about that. Fighting jihad is controversial? So what are our soldiers doing in Afghanistan and Iraq?...
  • And it all represents a massive societal surrender by the Obama administration and our political elites.
And who softens us up for this civilizational suicide? The media.
  • Who chose the media to negotiate the surrender?
NBC is naming a waiter turned thug turned impostor developer Sharif El-Gamal as "person of the year" because he is behind building a triumphal mosque at Ground Zero, the site of the largest, most heinous attack on U.S. soil in American history.

Then there is
this outrage: one of TIME magazine's "Person of the Year" candidates is the radical Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who has said that
  • "the U.S. has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaeda has the blood of innocent non-Muslims on its hands," and
that Osama Bin Laden was made in the USA. His mosque initiative, remember, is named the Cordoba Movement: Cordoba is a city that in the Islamic world is iconic of Islamic conquest over the West."...


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