Tuesday, November 9, 2010

GOP caves to Soros and global warming cartel on Day 1. What a surprise.

11/3/10, It was generally thought the GOP would hold hearings into the non-existent science of the global warming fraud and EPA rulings on carbon danger.
  • Not to worry-the GOP caves on day 1! Word from a Joe Barton spokesman and from a senior GOP "leadership" aide!
11/8/10, "GOP leadership cool to hearings into 'scientific fraud' underlying global warming," The Plumline by Greg Sargent
  • GOP caves on Day 1. Left says, "What a relief!" says the left. Most know the GOP deserved almost none of the votes they got on November 2. These frauds cannot hide their contempt for American voters (who pay their salaries and for their "gold plated" health care) for even one day. Fine. You'll be out in 2 years like so many others.

"Last week there was widespread speculation that the GOP is planning to hold high profile hearings next year into the "scientific fraud" behind global warming. The news touched off a round of anxious commentary among liberals about

  • the coming rash of GOP investigations and fake scandals.

The only problem is that it may not be true.

A spokesman for the leading Republican on the committee that would undertake such hearings tells me

  • that isn't the plan.

And a senior GOP leadership aide says the leadership is cool to the idea.

Rep. Joe Barton of Texas (the same dude who apologized to BP) is in line to be the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. A committee spokesman, Larry Neal, emails that

  • global warming science won't be the focus of upcoming hearings.

Rather, Barton wants to hold hearings to try to get the Environmental Protection Agency to study the impact action on global warming

  • will have on jobs.

At issue is the EPA's recent "endangerment finding," which determined that greenhouse gases contribute to air pollution that may endanger public health or welfare.

  • According to Barton's office, EPA chief Lisa Jackson said at some point that studying the impact on the economy of scientific action in response to the greenhouse gas problem would have "limited utility."

"Our committee will finally get to inquire" why Jackson "proudly refuses to analyze her agency's actions to determine either the potential job losses they will cause or the pressure they will put on U.S. companies to relocate overseas," Neal emails. "Congressman Barton is very interested.""...

  • The GOP will "finally" get to question the EPA about jobs??? BIG DEAL.

(continuing, Plumline): "Separately, the GOP leadership is apparently aware what a circus hearings into the allegedly fraudulent science underlying global warming would be -- and how it would play into Dem efforts to paint Republicans as hostage to extremists.

  • "It's just not the best strategy," a senior GOP aide says. "The most effective way to fight the national energy tax is to talk about
  • the economic effect and jobs."...

But no hearings as of yet are being planned that would focus specifically on the science underlying global warming.

What a relief!" (Plumline) (what a circus italics mine. Massive crime is fine, not even a blink, but Soros lads and laddies couldn't bear a little 'circus.' ed.)
An easily proved crime and the complete frauds in the GOP think it's a better "Strategy" to rob and denigrate America and hard working Americans? Thanks for showing us on day one you'll be the next out the door. ed..

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