Monday, November 15, 2010

Billionaire Soros among Beltway insiders in TSA nudity scanners. Soros also bought 7 million shares of oil stock PXP


11/15, "George Soros also profiting off controversial new TSA scanners," Mark Hemingway, Washington Examiner, commentary

Tim Carney’s Examiner column looks at "the politically-connected lobby for the controversial new TSA scanners that are upsetting airline employees and travelers everywhere. Carney notes that a company called
  • Rapiscan got a $165 million contract for the new body image scanners four days after the underwear-bomber incident this past Christmas. Not surprisingly, Rapiscan is politically connected....
Carney also noted that former Homeland Security secretary Michael Chertoff was flacking for Rapiscan.
the country’s liberal political infrastructure, owns 11,300 shares of OSI Systems Inc., the company that owns Rapiscan. Not surprisingly, OSI’s stock has appreciated considerably over the course of the year. Soros certainly is a savvy investor.
Soros also owns hundreds of millions in oil company stock. Don't global warming people like Soros always say oil companies are bad?
Reported on 9/27/10, Soros upped his position in US oil company PXP to around $175 million
  • "Due to portfolio activity on September 27th, 2010, Soros has disclosed a 5.03% ownership stake in PXP (Plains Exploration and Production) with 7,051,815 shares. This marks a 38.5% increase in their position size"...
'Plains Exploration & Production is an independent oil and gas company engaged in the activities of acquiring, developing, exploring and producing oil and gas properties primarily in the United States. The Company owns oil and gas properties with principal operations in Onshore California, Offshore California, the Gulf Coast Region, the Gulf of Mexico, the Mid-Continent Region and the Rocky Mountains. It also has an interest in an exploration block offshore Vietnam.'"...

via Hot Air

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