Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bad timing for global warming profiteers: US big drop in CO2 in 2009 shows 'pinch' of recession, BBC ignores great news (might jinx US 'climate' cash)

US carbon emissions dropped significantly in 2009, but headlines either ignore that or say not to worry, they'll go back up (so Americans still must pay billions). BBC makes no mention of US drop in its story,
11/20/10, "Carbon emissions dip in 2009, to jump in 2010," Reuters

"In 2009, declines in fossil fuel emissions were largest in developed nations. For example,
  • Britain fell 8.6 percent and Japan fell 11.8 percent.
But emissions from the world's top carbon polluter China rose 8 percent, while India's increased 6.2 percent and South Korea 1.4 percent."...
  • Reuters also notes greatly reduced emissions from rainforest deforestation. (Interesting as this is a huge area for profiteer abuse.)
11/21/10, "2009 carbon emissions fall smaller than expected," BBC by Richard Black

(No mention of US drop in entire article. They acknowledge a drop in overall industralized world emissions in connection with a recession but refer to recession in the past tense. It isn't past nor about to be:
  • really felt the pinch."...).

"Carbon emissions fell in 2009 due to the recession - but not by as much as predicted,

  • suggesting the fast upward trend will soon be resumed.

Those are the key findings from an analysis of 2009 emissions data issued in the journal Nature Geoscience

  • a week before the UN climate summit opens.

Industrialised nations saw big falls in emissions - but major developing countries saw a continued rise.

  • The report suggests emissions will begin rising by 3% per year again.

"What we find is a drop in emissions from fossil fuels in 2009 of 1.3%, which is not dramatic," said lead researcher Pierre Friedlingstein from the UK's University of Exeter.

"Based on GDP projections last year, we were expecting much more.

"If you think about it, it's like four days' worth of emissions;

  • it's peanuts," he told BBC News.

The headline figure masked big differences between trends in different groups of countries.

  • Broadly, developed nations saw emissions fall - Japan fell by 11.8%, the UK by 8.6%, and Germany by 7% - whereas they continued to rise in developing countries with significant industrial output.

China's emissions grew by 8%, and India's by 6.2% - connected to the fact that during the recession, it was the industrialised world that really felt the pinch.

  • Back on track

Before the recession, emissions had been rising by about 3% per year, with the growth having accelerated around the year 2000.

The new analysis

  • suggests

those rates of growth are likely to resume."...

(There is no reason to believe the US economy will ever be back. The housing market would have to recover, and I've seen no reports that it can or will. And the public sector now dominates, that is the non-productive sector dominates the productive risk-taking private sector. This is what they all wanted, but will put a crimp in equatorial dictators looking to

  • redecorate a vacation home. ed.)

(continuing, BBC): "Probably, we'll be back on the track of the previous decade, 2009 having been

The figures come just a week before the start of the UN climate summit, held this year in Cancun, Mexico.

  • Little progress is expected, following what is widely regarded as the failure of last year's Copenhagen summit.

But the projections - produced by the Global Carbon Project, a network of researchers around the world -

  • may focus delegates' minds anew on the enduring issue in tackling climate change:

decoupling economic growth from carbon emissions."...

  • Translation: America must and is being stopped.

(continuing, BBC): "Speaking last week at a meeting of Indian and British business leaders aiming to develop joint clean energy projects,

  • UK climate minister Greg Barker conceded this was the
  • missing ingredient.

Fundamentally, he said, the question was "whether a transition to a low-carbon economy is compatible with continued economic growth - and no-one knows the answer, because


Rare earth smelting plant in China. This is why Communist China is "ahead" of us. We forfeited the rare earth business. Our environmental rules and wages made it too expensive to produce here. reuters photo

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