Monday, October 18, 2010

UN guys have new 'urgent' scam ensuring evil middle class Americans will never be off the hook

Building on its global warming success, the UN says we have a 'nature' crisis in addition to a 'climate' crisis, it's 'urgent', and involves 'alleviating poverty' (ie transfering cash to thugs). They figured this out by jet setting around the world in the middle of a global depression that will not end for many years if ever. The BBC is enthused.
"Before the start of the two-week meeting, Achim Steiner, executive director of the UN Environment Programme (Unep), said it was a crucial point in attempts to stem the loss of biodiversity.

"There are moments when issues mature in terms of public perception and political attention, and become key times for action," he told the BBC.
  • "And this is a moment when the recognition that biodiversity and ecosystems need preservation urgently is high, when people are concerned by it, and are demanding more action from the global community."

A UN-sponsored team of economists has calculated that loss of biodiversity and ecosystems is

  • costing the human race $2 trillion to $5 trillion a year.

Governments first agreed back in 1992, at the Rio Earth Summit, that the ongoing loss of biodiversity needed attention. The CBD was born there,

  • alongside the UN climate convention.
  • It aims to preserve the diversity of life on Earth,
  • facilitate the sustainable use of plants and animals, and
  • allow fair and equitable exploitation of natural genetic resources.

The convention acquired teeth 10 years later, at the Johannesburg Summit on Sustainable Development.

Noting that nature's diversity is "the foundation upon which human civilisation has been built", governments pledged "to achieve by 2010 a significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at the global, regional and national level

  • and to the benefit of all life on Earth.""...

(It was reported that BBC issued new editorial guidelines on 10/12/10 regarding climate and science reporting, eg climate alarmist views should allow room for realist or skeptic views. No sign of that in this report and don't expect it in the future. It would be asking the BBC to offer views that differ from those of the UN. Then there are special interests counting on trillions from carbon trading.) ed.

  • Update, 10/20, BBC as predicted doubles down on the side of UN profiteers, links "climate" and "nature" movements to overall endless "green" shakedown:

"India and Brazil head move to 'green' economic future" by Richard Black. (They think this headline will make US rubes say, darn, we can't let those guys beat us, we've got to enslave ourselves to organized crime ASAP! ) ed.

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