Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lisa Murkowski warns Alaska broadcasters not to air Tea Party ads against her


Lisa Murkowski was appointed to a job which some apparently assume they're entitled to for life. She is among those now outraged to find a Senate gig is something to which you're supposed to be elected, not appointed. Other issues exist about why she wasn't re-elected, such as her
One party rule is good for billionaires, crooks, Tom Friedman, and banana republics. It's not good for people.

Per AP, 10/4, Anchorage Tea Party spokesman Eddie Burke said Tea Party Express came to Alaska at the local group's invitation to support candidate Joe Miller.
10/4, AP: "Eddie Burke...spokesman for the nascent Anchorage Tea Party, said his group asked Tea Party Express...to return to Alaska to help defeat Murkowski. He said it did this because the state and country are worth fighting for."...Alaska Republican Senate candidate Joe "Miller entered the Senate race in April because he said he believes the nation is at a crisis point, Washington is out of control, and the federal government is on the brink of bankruptcy....
Attorney Timothy McKeever, in a letter to broadcasters Monday, said they are under a "legal and moral obligation" not to air the new ads from Tea Party Express, which is supporting Joe Miller, the political upstart who defeated Murkowski in the August GOP primary.

A Tea Party Express spokesman said his initial reaction is that the group stands behind the ads."...


Murkowski's father won the seat in 1980, appointed his daughter to it in 2002, she retained it until 2010, so it's been her family's "seat" for 30 years. The father purchased an air plane with Alaska taxpayer funds while he was in office, and used it until the end of his term in spite of citizen disapproval. After Murkowski appointed his daughter to the Senate the state enacted a law
11/3/04, MSNBC.com: "The (Lisa Murkowski) appointment (by her father) was made possible by a change in state law enacted by the Legislature that year. Nepotism was such an issue this year that more than 50,000 voters signed petitions for an initiative on Tuesday’s ballot to require Senate vacancies be filled by special election. The measure was approved."...(3/4 down page)
  • Lisa Murkowski voted for TARP and scored well on what is euphemistically referred to as 'crossing the aisle' (a move defined only by crossing from right to left) or 'being civil,' suggesting those who don't vote the Soros agenda are rabid animals, and can't we all just agree to drink the sweet Soros kool-aid, isn't life better without disagreements? ed.
8/25/10, CNN, (mid page): "To be sure, Murkowski -- who was first appointed to her post by her father in 2002 -- was also hampered by her own record, having voted for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, which many conservatives view as the ultimate example of a government handout.

A Congressional Quarterly analysis suggests Murkowski is the most moderate senator facing re-elections this year, having voted against her party 30 percent of the time on key votes. Another Congressional Quarterly analysis, from 2003 to 2008, suggests Murkowski has

The Alaska senator also appeared to dismiss the threat of Miller until it was too late, largely sitting on her multimillion-dollar campaign coffers as the Tea Party Express spent heavily against her."...


The lady has lived in a state of grace. She was elevated merely by birth supposedly to represent citizens who took the time to vote. It was time for her to go anyway as it is for others who presided over the loss of our country. Those with whom she presided are trying to make the job into something for which it was not intended.

Moth eaten Beltway Republicans whose shelf-life has long since expired showed their continued scorn for voters and for America. They will never get it. ed.

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