Thursday, October 28, 2010

Banana Republic voting fraud in Texas, Radical Democrats stunned that honest Americans dare witness this

10/27/10, "Texas Dems welcome you to the Banana Republic of the United States," by Lady Impact Ohio posted on

"There are two types of persons at each of the polling stations: one are the poll watchers, who simply sit and “watch” and report any incidents on paper which are suspicious, intimidating or noteworthy.
  • The other group is the the paid workers, or “judges” as they are called in Texas who sign in the voters and assist them with questions. The poll watchers by law are not allowed to assist, only the judges may do this.

However there have been incidents reported county-wide by the poll watchers the “judges” have been telling the voters to vote “Democratic” and in many cases have actually pulled the levers for them on the voting machines. You can see here one of the incident reports filed. Notice the circled words “illegal assistance to a voter, told voter who to vote for.” And here is another incident report: “illegal discussion in presence of voters, unauthorized person in the polling station.” And look at the name at the bottom: Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Here is Lee on video, again, illegally at a polling station:"...

"You can also see the PDF file of illegal, suspect and multiple registrations by the same person reported to the Harris County Tax office. These registrations were done by Houston Votes, one of the Soros-funded groups that is ironically suing Ms. Engelbrecht. The Houston Votes Project Director Sean Caddle just happens to be a former SEIU employee and even admits on camera there are “problems” with voter registrations. If this stuff doesn’t make your blood boil, wait until I tell you what else has been happening.

Not only are the judges illegally assisting voters, the Dems have made a concerted effort to harass, intimidate and physically and verbally abuse many of the poll watchers. Many have returned to the office in tears. Ms. Engelbrecht tells me Houston PD was called in two separate incidents, in two separate polling stations because of assault on poll watchers. One poll watcher was even physically dragged out of the polling station, verbally abused and then shoved back inside the polling station. In another incident a voter demanded one of the poll watchers “leave” or he was going to call the constable.

There is a report of a member of the clergy and one extremely aggressive news reporter demanding the personal information of poll watchers, and it was handed over to them by one of the judges. So now not only are the poll watchers harassed, abused and intimidated many of them now have their personal and what is supposed to be confidential information, including addresses and phone numbers released.

What is more extremely outrageous and egregious is most of these poll watchers are “soccer moms” and senior citizens. Yep, I can really imagine these kind of poll watchers “intimidating” the Dems and voters as one of their lawsuits claim. Ms. Engelbrecht tells me she and everyone else were not prepared and never expected this onslaught on them and her organization....

I will again be addressing the voter fraud perpetrated by the Dems and the poll watcher intimidation rampantly taking place in Harris County (Houston). The following information was given to me via a second phone conversation with Catherine Engelbrecht and one of her attorneys. Ms. Engelbrecht and her King Street Patriots/True The Vote organization are being sued by the Texas Democratic Party and the Soros-funded group Houston Votes and are also facing ethics charges from Texans for Public Justice for merely doing their patriotic and civic duty, i.e. maintaining the integrity of this election. Because I did not want to be influenced by any second-hand information while writing this diary I have not visited any blogs or news articles. Everything related in this diary is first-hand from Ms. Engelbrecht. Please see my two previous posts on this subject for background."...Posted by LadyImpactOhio on


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