Thursday, September 16, 2010

How it Works. First, we're not here to get you rich. Apparently many of you thought we were.

"The Christine O'Donnell victory represents in a major way the beginning of the end of the part of the current governing class that found a home in the Republican Party. Their interest was not necessarily the good of the country but rather their own careers, ego and personal wealth creation.
  • These frauds found it easier to run as a Republican or operate within the party structure as they realized the country was really right of center.
They assumed
  • that the conservative electorate (which makes up for over 40% of the country) would always vote for any Republican as a default position
  • rather than accept any Democrat.
However, this approach inevitably ends up with a search for compromises with the balance of the Ruling Class so that membership within the group is not compromised.
  • Washington D.C. is a company town and the business of that town is to revel in attention, personal contacts, and earn a substantial living as befits a member of the "elite."
The reason for the angst among the establishment Republicans is not so much that Christine O'Donnell won but that
  • this lifestyle may well be coming to an end as the grass-roots have finally revolted and decided to take over the Party as the true conservative party in the United States.
This is the first shot truly heard throughout the corridors of Washington and it
  • scares the hell out of the Ruling Class."

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