Friday, September 24, 2010

Getting America back


  • Created and produced by Ben Howe at
Social issues are secondary to me but America is first. That includes a culture so attractive that people decided to tear it down and rob its people blind. The entire congress, not to mention President Bush, knew the sub-prime scam was going on and either promoted it or did nothing to stop it. This should be grounds for arrest and possible imprisonment. I understand Soros and a bunch of others were involved, but congress knew. What kind of person would you have to be to knowingly destroy the work and sacrifice of a generation of middle class Americans who never took on risky mortgages,
  • condemning them to live out their days in poverty and insecurity?
This is why the Tea Party and independent voters exist. How could they not in the face of these people? ed.
"Delaware GOP Senatorial candidate Christine O'Donnell is under attack from two directions by otherwise competing interests that, against her, share a common goal -- damage the Tea Party movement.
  • Consequently, she's caught in a classic double envelopment, known as a pincer movement.
The Democratic Party and its shills in the legacy media zeroed in on O'Donnell the moment she became the confirmed winner of the Delaware GOP primary. They immediately identified her as the most vulnerable Tea Party-related target of opportunity. And they've been on a relentless attack ever since, with the aim of keeping her hunkered down until their guy, Chris "The Bearded Marxist" Coons, wins the November election
  • and they can declare the Tea Party defeated.
No surprise there. You personalize the opposition and then marginalize it. It's standard Alinsky-style community agitator tactics....
  • The other attacking force in the pincer movement also has a political agenda, but one
within the Republican Party. It's about internecine combat.

The Republican blue bloods -- a term that originally referred to the aristocratic families of Castile Spain who wouldn't intermarry with Moors, Jews and other races, and maintained a fair complexion wherein their blood veins looked distinctively blue -- control the GOP. Until the ascendency of the Democrats' rule over Congress and the White House,
  • the blue bloods sustained their "moderate" posture by compromising with the Democrats.
Doing deals was easy because their political principles were fuzzy, and, among the old guard, still are."...

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