Monday, September 20, 2010

The counter-revolution is underway, no politician is safe for the foreseeable future

9/20, "The counter-revolution has begun," American Thinker, J.R. Dunn

"But the important thing is that the American counter-revolution has begun. After the truncated Reagan and Gingrich revolutions,
  • here is the real thing propelled and directed by the anger and will of the American people.
O'Donnell and Paladino may well fail --many of the candidates may fail in one way or another either before or after the elections.
  • But it will make no difference in the long term.
It's no longer a matter of counting seats, making compromises, and hustling deals;

it is a matter of smashing a rotten, corrupt, and enervated system based on an errant and repellent view of human nature and replacing it with something perhaps not perfect, but at least in tune with our constitutional traditions, the political nature of this country's people, and the century we live in.
  • The people are leading, and the politicians will follow -- or they will go to the wall.
At last, we have the opportunity to tear away the dead hand of collectivist ideology imposed during the '30s. We've heard a lot lately about the "decline" of America, of our "diminished status," our "lowered expectations."
  • This country isn't in decline -- it's being held back.
Throw off the restraints, and we will astonish the world."


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