Monday, August 30, 2010

Payback time-Obama apologizes to UN thugs about the state of Arizona, humbly asks them to review its despicable acts

"Because of Obama's decision to have America join the Council, American taxpayers are now financially supporting anti-Israel, anti-American rhetoric and hatred "posted, translated and broadcast around the world." That a single dollar is used to promote this disgusting agenda is deplorable;
  • that the man who is supposed to represent the best interests of America should sanction it
No need to wonder. It's 'payback time.'
  • via American Thinker. The American Thinker author wonders, if it's so terrible here, why are so many people dying to get here, and refuse to leave when they find out it's so bad?
UPDATE two, 9/3, from American Thinker, J. Cashill.
inequality in home mortgage lending.
  • We 'admit' to UN thugs in essence that if Americans weren't such racists the housing market might not have collapsed:
AT: "The recession in the United States," the report insists, "was fueled largely by a housing crisis, which coincided with some discriminatory lending practices." Those practices, the report strongly implies, resulted in a market where
  • while three quarters of white families do."
"To prevent similar crises in the future," the report continues in its smugly accusatory way, "the federal government has focused resources and
  • efforts to determine
as well as to ensure greater oversight going forward." As proof of the administration's eagerness to solve the problem, the report cites its
  • "major financial reform legislation."
...Our official 2010 UPR submission to the United Nation argues that discrimination against minorities in the housing market somehow caused the economic crisis and that the misbegotten
  • Dodd-Frank act will somehow repair it....
While the Obama apparatchiks were busy compiling this report, I was busy writing a book -- Popes and Bankers -- on the real causes of the economic crisis. What they see as the solution I see as the cause, and I can prove my point.
  • To make the accusation of discrimination work, the report writers had to ignore the
  • most telling set of data,
  • namely default rates.
In 2004, the Department of Housing and Urban Development did a comprehensive study of FHA loans that originated in 1992. The sample size was substantial -- nearly 250,000 loans.
  • Given that the FHA insures only modest loans for low- and moderate-income people, the cross-racial comparisons were for comparable properties.
What the study revealed, among other results, was that after the seven prosperous years from 1992 to 1999,
  • blacks were defaulting on their loans more than twice as frequently as whites, and Hispanics were defaulting three times more frequently.
Here is the crucial point: if minorities had been held to a higher standard than whites, their default rates should have been lower than whites, not higher. These numbers suggest the opposite and the obvious: blacks and Hispanics were held to lower standards and have been for at least the last forty years. Chinese-Americans, by the way, actually did have lower default rates than whites.

As to why black homeownership rates are lower, only the willfully blind can fail to see the problem: namely,

  • the government-induced collapse of the two-parent black family. In 1993, the average income for
  • households headed by divorced women was 40 percent that of married couples;
  • for unmarried women, it was only 20 percent.
As the numbers suggest, many of these women could not manage homes of their own. Homeownership rates for female-headed households have struggled to stay above 50 percent. For married couples, by contrast, the rates have hovered consistently in the 80th-percentile range.

With blacks vastly overrepresented among single-parent families -- by 1993, 57 percent of black children were growing up in a single-parent household, as compared 21 percent of white children -- white homeownership rates inevitably outstripped those for black homeownership. By the early 1990s that gap was at least 25 percentage points, around 70 percent for whites and in the low 40s for blacks.
  • The writers of the UPR report, however, refuse to acknowledge
  • family breakdown as a problem, let alone as an explanation for the disparity in homeownership rates.
Their preferred explanation for every unequal outcome in every endeavor is the inevitable
  • "discrimination."
Worse, the report writers -- and indeed, the Obama White House -- seems unaware that the forced march of unqualified buyers into the homeownership field was the
  • single most explosive variable in the subprime blow-up.
They seem unaware that the Clinton administration demanded that banks quantify -- under duress -- the progress they were making in giving loans to "LMIs," people of low and moderate income.

They seem unaware that the government encouraged banks to use "innovative or flexible" lending practices -- aka "predatory loans" -- to reach their LMI numbers.

They seem unaware that HUD, which Congress had made the regulator of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 1992,
  • began to pressure these agencies to set numerical goals for "affordable housing"
  • even if that meant buying subprime mortgages.
In 2004, under extreme government pressure, homeownership rate reached a new peak."...
  • "Human rights through the looking glass"
  • (There are many reasons for renting as opposed to owning of course).
UPDATE 9/5, CNN considers it worthy of reporting that 2 ACLU lawyers agree our Arizona law issue SHOULD BE reported to the UN, 9/4, "Reporting Arizona law to the UN was correct" (I'm not going to read it, I only note that it was reported. I was not under the impression that the ACLU and Obama were 2 separate entities. ed.)

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