Friday, July 23, 2010

Journo-helpers at Bloomberg News present US auto news as Obama might prefer it

7/21 article: In the middle of a Bloomberg article about the US auto sales is buried the most important news:
The percentage of Americans who said they planned to buy a new car tumbled to 3.7 percent in June,
according to the Conference Board’s June confidence index."...
7/21: "Auto dealer cull may push survivors' second quarter sales to 2 year high," Bloomberg News by Theo Keith
  • For many over-burdened Americans, a glance of the headline is all they will get to see about a story. They will remember "sales to 2 year high" although it means nothing positive about overall car sales or the US economy.
The all important opening sentence of article also makes a case for 'irrational exuberance':
And saves til the very end of the article a fraction of Obama's least favorite news, that of the SIGTARP inspector Neil Barofsky:
added tens of thousands of workers into unemployment, Neil Barofsky, special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, said in a July 19 report.

and underscores the need for Treasury to tread very carefully when considering such decisions in the future,” Barofsky said."

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