Sunday, June 13, 2010

Who will file criminal charges against Obama admin. for refusal to accept oil skimmers resulting in choking dying animals on US coast?

  • JUNE 11, 2010 Report on refusal to waive the Jones Act for US southern coast in spite of the fact that it's already being waived to install wind turbines off the Delaware coast and was waived by DHS after Katrina (from report in video).

Obama's point man on the scene, Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen (retired), says they need all the skimmers they can get (the 400 they have now are no where near enough). Many skimmers have been offered from the US and other countries, but offers have all been ignored or rejected. Near the end of the video are quotes clearly asking if the Coast Guard has received offers of help from ships that are non-US registered.
  • The Coast Guard's official reply is "yes but they did not meet requirements" of our "area of command".The reporter asked, "Does the Jones Act apply in this case?" The Coast Guard's official answer was, "Yes."
Obama global warming chief Carol Browner in the video says she has not received any request from the Coast Guard to lift the Jones Act that she knows of. A meaningless statement at best, about as weighty as the idea of my 5 year old niece putting in such a request. The Coast Guard? And Retired?
  • Where are DHS and FEMA? These are proper questions for criminal charges. ed.
  • video via, Jones Act news via Bob Grant

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