Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Richard Nixon created the EPA. Beware all politicians.

  • 6/30, American Thinker, V. Kohlmayer
"Nicholas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel are often cited as examples of resurgence of the political right in Europe. This is surely a joke. Even as we speak, the people of France and Germany are being taxed blind. The public sector is large and oppressive in both countries.
  • Yet Sarkozy and Merkel are blithely unbothered by this. Quite to the contrary, they just keep piling on. Last Friday, it was announced that the Sarkozy government would be further increasing taxes in France. Some conservatives, indeed. Now they are joined by
  • Britain's David Cameron -- another "conservative" -- whose first significant domestic act was to raise the country's sales tax.
To think of the European political paradigm in terms of right and left is simply wrong.
In Europe, there are only greater statists and smaller statists. They both grow government and raise taxes. The only difference is the pace at which they are doing it.

Even though this may surprise some, the same dynamic is increasingly applicable to the United States as well.
  • The difference between Republicans and Democrats is only in degree, not in kind. They differ only in
  • the pace at which they spend and grow government.
Democrats are greater statists, and Republicans are smaller statists. But it is a close call. George Bush grew government more than Bill Clinton did. He also started us on the bailout frenzy. Tellingly, most congressional Republicans voted in support."...
(continuing): "Bush 41 likewise did a good job of government expansion. Besides growing government, he also raised taxes.
  • Richard Nixon was another great expansionist.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Council on Environmental Quality were all his creations."
The EPA is now the handiest weapon the left could dream of. ed.

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