Friday, June 4, 2010

Exploitation of children common by carbon trading profiteers, and why climate crime is still taught in US schools

Texas teachers continue 'teaching' global warming propaganda to children despite orders from Board of Education to give both sides of the issue (this is referred to as 'anti climate science' by the reporter, who is apparently unaware that climate scientists have said global warming has stopped, ie "Science says" no warming).

Billboard in Copenhagen, "HOPENHAGEN", small, pleading blond children appeal to world emotion leading up to Climate fraud conference in Denmark, 12/09. Why not?
UK Telegraph, 12/30/09: "According to sources, the Danish registry may be at the heart of Europe's problems with carbon trading fraud. Local media has repeatedly raised the fact that few, if any, checks are done on new traders and approval can be much quicker than in other countries."...
  • This is only one of numerous reports of organized crime infestation in carbon trading markets....
In Texas, a teacher refers to Al Gore and Leo Di Caprio films as "documentaries," : "shows his students two documentaries about man-made climate change, An Inconvenient Truth and The Eleventh Hour, and asks them to take pro or con sides on the messages in the films.

"Even in Houston, "a big oil and gas town, and very much entrenched in that mentality,"

95 percent of his students agree that human activity is the cause of the current rapid changes in the climate by the end of the course, Caggiano said."...

Climate Lessons, a blog about exploitation of children with global warming propaganda. via Tom Nelson

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