Friday, May 21, 2010

Governor Chris Christie's Monmouth commencement speech a success, inept leftist protest a failure

5/21: "Governor Christie was the commencement speaker, so naturally a few liberal Monmouth (University) students (and their families) attempted to use this occasion to make a political statement against the Governor's proposed state budget and associated education cuts. I suppose expecting these liberals to respect everyone else's graduation day is too much to ask? Apparently so.
  • Luckily for the parents and students who went into debt for a quality education, the would-be protesters' big moment didn't go so well.
An eyewitness account, courtesy of the YAF:

The local media has picked up on the story, pointing out students that turned their backs to Christie as he spoke.

“Drive-by” media outlets remained silent when liberal ideologues like Bill Clinton, Alec Baldwin, and Eric Holder spoke at commencement ceremonies – but when a conservative like Governor Christie comes to school, newspapers go haywire. Further, the newspapers fail to mention the fact that even though there were over 1,000 supporters on one Facebook group, the protest failed to gain any traction.

The protest fizzled, garnering only a few standing students and a few scattered boos. The governor’s policies on fiscal responsibility earned him loud cheers and applause.

You know the Dems are really falling on hard times when one of their core protester constituencies -- obnoxious college kids -- can't even stage a simple demonstration!"...from the SaveJerseyBlog

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