Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Global warming and illegal alien profiteers unite: Evil Americans owe reparations in perpetuity (ie the Soros-Rockefeller-Obama agenda)

  • Why would anyone in their right mind advocate chaos and anarchy? Answer: No one in their right mind would do so, as it invites their own death. Those who advocate this position can only be described as mentally defective and a danger to society.
"The Arizona immigration law prompted Seth Minkoff of Somerville, a professor at UMass Boston, to write a letter to the Boston Globe, titled ‘Illegal' immigrants have moral claim on US citizenship rights:
  • "...some of us also feel that the fundamental aim of this law - enforcement of federal immigration regulations - is immoral.
A great many undocumented immigrants come here from countries that the United States has systematically devastated for generations by overthrowing democracy (as in Guatemala), sponsoring dictatorship and state terror (Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Haiti), and invading and annexing territory (Mexico). Actions such as these have helped the United States to control a grossly outsized share of world resources.

Until the US share of world resources is proportional to its population, so-called illegal immigrants will have a moral claim second to none on the rights of US citizenship. Arizona's new law, like the federal laws it seeks to enforce, is an assault on people's basic right to feed and clothe their families - in other words, on their right to access their fair share of the planet's wealth, the patrimony of humanity." ****
I have heard of open borders advocates, but I didn't realize how radical the concept is.

We owe reparations to Central America? How exactly did overthrowing democracy in Guatemala make us rich? Annexing territory? Settlers from England fought with settlers from Spain over territory in the southwest. We won. We even paid for some of it (see Gadsden Purchase).

The planet's wealth is the patrimony of humanity? In other words, private property is theft.

"Until the US share of world resources is proportional to its population"? Does this mean that
  • once we have redistributed American wealth on a global scale, making everyone equally poor, we can then limit immigration?
The brilliance of the scheme is that at this point,
Minkoff describes immigration laws as an "assault." His dream of global
  • redistribution is an assault on the generations of Americans whose hard work created our great wealth."
from American Thinker by Peter Wilson, 4/27/10, "What the open borders crowd really thinks"

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