Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch should not be surprised by Obama's treatment of Israel

  • In the case of Israel, Obama and his group show an agenda-which was predictable-but also their brutal rudeness--when being polite would have cost nothing. As Mayor Koch notes, Jews in America are not getting angry which of course is sad. On the other hand is the much discussed topic of why the vast majority of Jewish people, religious or not, vote as liberal democrats. The far left as a whole was least likely to defend Israel--putting it mildly. The only chance for a friend of Israel has been from right of center politicians, but Jewish voters could not bring themselves to make a change in self identity, that of being a liberal democrat. They made their choice, and it wasn't Israel.
Ed Koch, 4/12: "I weep as I witness outrageous verbal attacks on Israel. What makes these verbal assaults and distortions all the more painful is that they are being orchestrated by President Obama....
The members of AIPAC, the chief pro-Israel lobbying organization in Washington, gave Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
  • a standing ovation after she had carried out the instructions of President Obama and, in a 43-minute telephone call, angrily hectored Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
  • Members of Congress in both the House and Senate have made pitifully weak statements against Obama's mistreatment of Israel, if they made any at all.

The Democratic members, in particular, are weak. They are simply afraid to criticize President Obama."...

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